Title: Carmageddon 2: Carpocalypse Now Genre: Action – Combat – Rally Works on: Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11) Languages: Audio and text: English Features: single-player – multi-player Released: November 30, 1998 Company: Stainless Software / Stainless Games Overview Description Syste...
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Players can fly their cars through the air, perform incredible stunts, and engage in combat with other vehicles. The combination of flying and shooting adds a thrilling dimension to the gameplay, keeping players on the edge of their seats as they navigate through various challenges and battles. ...
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Players can fly their cars through the air, perform incredible stunts, and engage in combat with other vehicles. The combination of flying and shooting adds a thrilling dimension to the gameplay, keeping players on the edge of their seats as they navigate through various challenges and battles. ...
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Use the deadly supply of weapons, maneuver undetected into the hostile run, execute combat tactics for attack or defense, and enjoy a good shot of adrenaline. Choose your car. Select your favorite vehicle to brave the peril of the show. Each car has a unique personality with its own set ...
PlayStation,PSX Games Jewel Case Release Data Variants Review Media Trivia Genre: Car CombatCDs: 1 Publisher: GT Interactive SoftwareReleased: September 30, 1998 Developer: SingleTrac Entertainment Technologies, Inc.UPC: 7 42725 15883 2 Sony ID: ...
Damage Inc. : Metallica | The Cancelled Game [PS2 / Xbox / PC]Metallica fans got a rare look at the band’s canceled car combat game Damage Inc this week, as the first-ever gameplay footage from the scrapped project has surfaced more than a decade after it was originally announced. ...
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