A groundbreaking title that introduced many of the core concepts now associated with the vehicular combat genre, Spy Hunter puts players in the role of a secret agent tasked with taking down enemy forces using a heavily-armed sports car. The game's top-down perspective and relentless...
A groundbreaking title that introduced many of the core concepts now associated with the vehicular combat genre,Spy Hunterputs players in the role of a secret agent tasked with taking down enemy forces using a heavily-armed sports car. The game's top-down perspective and relentless a...
Also ranks #16 onThe 40+ Top Xbox 360 Racing Games, Ranked Buy at 11 Interstate '76 1997 61 votes Drenched in the unmistakable atmosphere of the 1970s,Interstate '76is a vehicular combat game that perfectly captures the soulful music, funky fashion, and muscle car mania of the...
Also ranks #16 onThe 40+ Top Xbox 360 Racing Games, Ranked Buy at 11 Interstate '76 1997 61 votes Drenched in the unmistakable atmosphere of the 1970s,Interstate '76is a vehicular combat game that perfectly captures the soulful music, funky fashion, and muscle car mania of the...
A groundbreaking title that introduced many of the core concepts now associated with the vehicular combat genre,Spy Hunterputs players in the role of a secret agent tasked with taking down enemy forces using a heavily-armed sports car. The game's top-down perspective and relentless ac...
Also ranks #16 onThe 40+ Top Xbox 360 Racing Games, Ranked Buy at 11 Interstate '76 1997 61 votes Drenched in the unmistakable atmosphere of the 1970s,Interstate '76is a vehicular combat game that perfectly captures the soulful music, funky fashion, and muscle car mania of the...
Over 700 gamers have voted on the 20+ items on Best Vehicular Combat Games of All Time. Current Top 3: Twisted Metal 2, Vigilante 8, Twisted Metal: Black ...
A groundbreaking title that introduced many of the core concepts now associated with the vehicular combat genre, Spy Hunter puts players in the role of a secret agent tasked with taking down enemy forces using a heavily-armed sports car. The game's top-down perspective and relentless...
A groundbreaking title that introduced many of the core concepts now associated with the vehicular combat genre,Spy Hunterputs players in the role of a secret agent tasked with taking down enemy forces using a heavily-armed sports car. The game's top-down perspective and relentless act...
A groundbreaking title that introduced many of the core concepts now associated with the vehicular combat genre, Spy Hunter puts players in the role of a secret agent tasked with taking down enemy forces using a heavily-armed sports car. The game's top-down perspective and relentless...