Highly detailed and accurate digital replica of Boeing 777-300 and Boeing 777-300ER aircraft. 777-300 Expansion Modelсan be installed to both FSX and Prepar3D. Key Features: • Supports all features of the777-200 Base pack • Boeing 777-300 model with PW 4098 engines • Boeing 777-...
Captain Sim 团队宣布他们的波音 777“Captain”产品线即将进行另外五项扩展。该系列目前包括配备 GE94 发动机的 777-200ER、配备 GE115 发动机的 777-300ER 和 777F。该产品系列之前颇具争议,因为该飞机缺乏任何 777 飞行动力学或系统;该飞机是根据 MSFS 的默认 747-8 创建的。FSElite 对这种做法和飞机本身也不...
Parallel 42 已更新其适用于 Microsoft Flight Simulator 的 777 Immersion 包,以便 Captain Sim 用户充分利用该产品带来的新效果。777 Immersion 包最初于几周前发布,为在模拟器中驾驶波音 777 的飞行员提供了新效果。这些效果包括机翼冷凝、轮胎标记等等。 新的更新将大部分这些效果带入 Captain Sim 的 777 种产...
777 CAPTAIN III - 777F MSFSCAPTAIN SIM MFS20 € 14.99 $ £ ¥ 767 CAPTAIN II - (767-300ER) BASE PACK P3D4/5CAPTAIN SIM P3D5 € 84.99 $ £ ¥ 757 CAPTAIN III - WIRELESS CDU P3D4CAPTAIN SIM € 8.99 $ £ ¥
想请问,有人有使用 Captain Sim 777-300模组,在飞行时使用AP,直线的航路,飞机会一直斜右边的情况吗...
The777 Captain (777-200, 777-300 and 777 Freighter Expansion models)Service Pack 1.2 is available and includes the following new features and enhancements: - Boeing 777-200ER RR 895 engines variant exterior model added - Malaysia Airlines (9M-MRG) livery added ...
This Compatibility Mod for Captain Sim Boeing 777 Series is a modified version based onSalty Simulations 747 Project,FlyByWire A32NX ProjectandB78XH (B787-10 Heavy) by Heavy Division. This project is distributed under the GNU General Public License version 3. SeeLICENSE. ...
Captain si..我想问一下机长这侧需要按好几下才能按灭的caution你知道如何解决不……还有就是…这个机模默认的惯导校准时间是多少…?似乎不像767那样快, EICAS上不显示时间,而且也不像767那样有个直观的指
【HD】Captain sim 777-200演示视频 是在优酷播出的游戏高清视频,于2013-06-28 00:57:46上线。视频内容简介:FSX - Captain sim 777-200 interior
Which part of the mode?Solo Challenges Summarize your bugI contacted ea support and they said to report the bug here I did the preseason challenges and it was supposed to give me a 75 overall player so I can do the campaign missions but it never gave him to me ...