在宣布他们将通过发布用于 MSFS 的新 767-300ER 来扩展他们的 777 产品线几天后,Sim 机长又回到了新闻中。 现在声名狼藉的波音飞机开发商在 Facebook 上宣布推出 767,标题为“欢迎 767-300ER 参加 MSFS2020”。在他们的网站上,开发人员表示只要 39.99 美元,您就可以获得两种配备 PW4000 发动机的客机型号——...
777-300ERSF 特种货机 KC-777 油罐运输机 虽然大多数效果都是有用的,但有两个显著的效果由于缺少变量或飞机上没有系统功能而缺失。它们是: Hot Brakes 效果不适用于 Captain Sim 777 系列。 Captain Sim 777 系列不提供燃油抛弃功能。 现在可以通过 Parallel 42 网站、Contrail 和 Orbx 免费获取此更新。您可以...
777 CAPTAIN III - 777F MSFSCAPTAIN SIM MFS20 € 14.99 $ £ ¥ 767 CAPTAIN II - (767-300ER) BASE PACK P3D4/5CAPTAIN SIM P3D5 P3D6 € 84.99 $ £ ¥ 757 CAPTAIN III - WIRELESS CDU P3D4CAPTAIN SIM P3D5 P3D6 € 8.99 ...
想请问,有人有使用 Captain Sim 777-300模组,在飞行时使用AP,直线的航路,飞机会一直斜右边的情况吗...
Air France "JonOne livery" Boeing 777-300ER (F-GSQI) by Jeremias Marco Date submitted: Jun 06, 2016 Description: Air France JonOne livery, now available for the Captain Sim 777. Textures only, Captain Sim 777 base pack v1.7 and 777-300 expansion v1.7 needs to be purchased and installe...
Home>Products>777 Captain>777 HomeWelcome Guest. PleaseLogin To continue popular series ofPro Lineproducts Captain Sim is happy to introduce the777 Captainfamily of expansions for FSX and Prepar3D. The family delivers the following products: ...
Boeing 777-300Model B777-300 ICAO B773 Engine Rolls-Royce Trent 892B-17 (91450 lbs) MTW 660000 lbs (299370 kgs) BEW 353800 lbs (160530 kgs) Boeing 777-300ERModel B777-300ER ICAO B77W Engine GE90-115B (115540 lbs) MTW 777000 lbs (352441 kgs) BEW 370000 lbs (167829 kgs) ...
Captain si..我想问一下机长这侧需要按好几下才能按灭的caution你知道如何解决不……还有就是…这个机模默认的惯导校准时间是多少…?似乎不像767那样快, EICAS上不显示时间,而且也不像767那样有个直观的指
TheCricketer About This Game Cricket Captain 2020 is the perfect companion if you are missing live matches, as the hugely anticipated season is disrupted. With the incredibly exciting 2019 World Cup and the fiercely fought Australia tour of England, a legion of fans have been attracted to the ...
【HD】Captain sim 777-200演示视频 是在优酷播出的游戏高清视频,于2013-06-28 00:57:46上线。视频内容简介:FSX - Captain sim 777-200 interior