Flat white(一杯200ml)基础是两份的浓缩咖啡,有些地方在这个基础上还会把esp萃取更长时间,两份的Ristretto(Ristretto:1:1的Espresso) 奶泡的区别 奶泡打到微泡状态(micro foam),蒸馏容器顶部的松散的打泡舍弃不用,将细致乳白色的牛奶倒入咖啡中,形成了平滑、柔软的质地,这也就是所谓的Flat。 奶的处理显示出它和...
In theory, I could tell you what makes a latte different from a cappuccino and what makes them both different from a flat white, but life is short and when it comes down to it, it’s all a matter of taste. Despite what I’ve said aboutespressoandcafetiere coffee, I actually drink a...
1.拿铁咖啡 :Coffee Latte 2.卡布奇诺 :Cappuccino 3.美式咖啡:Americano 4.摩卡咖啡:Coffee Mocha / Mocha 5.玛奇朵:Macchiato 6.焦糖玛奇朵:Caramel Macchiato 7.醇艺白 / 馥芮白 / 平白咖啡:Flat White 8.可塔朵:Cortado 9.欧蕾咖啡:Coffee Au Lait 二、咖啡因(caffein): 1.低因咖啡 :Decaffeinated C...
意式咖啡是以意式咖啡机制作的浓缩咖啡(Espresso)为基础,演变出各种形式的咖啡饮品,如美式咖啡(Americano)、拿铁咖啡(Caffe latte)、卡布奇诺(Cappuccino)和馥芮白(Flat White)等。这些饮品都是浓缩咖啡与水或牛奶、奶沫的不同组合。 【浓缩咖啡】 浓缩咖啡是通过高温高压的方式,在短时间内快速制作的一杯咖啡。意大利...
Flat White, Cappuccino, Latte, Coffee Picture. Flat White, Cappuccino, Latte, Coffee. Image: 112277827
Coffee, Cappuccino, Latte, Flat White Picture. Coffee, Cappuccino, Latte, Flat White. Image: 102634526
The flat white is similar to the cortado as far as ingredients but differs in the milk texture. It consists of a more velvety texture due to the microfoam bubbles. However, the flat white also differs significantly from the cappuccino because it has less foam and a different foam texture. ...
It is also usually served in a smaller cup than a latte. Cappuccinos are a perfect blend of delicious coffee and creamy milk, sometimes you may even get a little sprinkle of chocolate on the top. Let’s take a look at a couple ways you can tailor your next cappuccino to your particula...
Flat White真的只是薄奶泡的卡布奇诺,还是少奶的拿铁? 典故:Flat White 直译为平白咖啡,又称“鲜奶浓缩咖啡”,中国星巴克取名“馥芮白咖啡”,源自新西兰、澳大利亚的花式咖啡。据传二次大战时,意大利人移民纽澳两国并将咖啡文化带到当地,在 1980 年代衍生出 Flat White 咖啡。直至今日两国人民依然在争论谁才是Flat...
Flat White真的只是薄奶泡的卡布奇诺,还是少奶的拿铁? 典故:Flat White 直译为平白咖啡,又称“鲜奶浓缩咖啡”,中国星巴克取名“馥芮白咖啡”,源自新西兰、澳大利亚的花式咖啡。据传二次大战时,意大利人移民纽澳两国并将咖啡文化带到当地,在 1980 年代衍生出 Flat White 咖啡。直至今日两国人民依然在争论谁才是Flat...