Flat white(一杯200ml)基础是两份的浓缩咖啡,有些地方在这个基础上还会把esp萃取更长时间,两份的Ristretto(Ristretto:1:1的Espresso) 奶泡的区别 奶泡打到微泡状态(micro foam),蒸馏容器顶部的松散的打泡舍弃不用,将细致乳白色的牛奶倒入咖啡中,形成了平滑、柔软的质地,这也就是所谓的Flat。 奶的处理显示出它和...
In theory, I could tell you what makes a latte different from a cappuccino and what makes them both different from a flat white, but life is short and when it comes down to it, it’s all a matter of taste. Despite what I’ve said aboutespressoandcafetiere coffee, I actually drink a...
Flat White, Cappuccino, Latte, Coffee Picture. Flat White, Cappuccino, Latte, Coffee. Image: 112277827
White Chocolate Pumpkin Spice Latte Make this signature treat all year long with any of your favorite espressos. 5 Min Easy CAPPUCCINO The ideal cappuccino has perfectly portioned coffee and milk, and luscious foam from first sip to last. Here's how to make this classic yet impressive beverage...
Coffee, Cappuccino, Latte, Flat White Picture. Coffee, Cappuccino, Latte, Flat White. Image: 102634526
Extract 0.85 oz of Chiaro Coffee on top Recommended Nespresso coffees Original Chiaro Caramel Apple Latte A coffee twist on a confectionery classic Flat White by Nespresso 1/3 espresso + 2/3 hot lightly frothed milk, this is Flat White coffee recipe by Nespresso. Enjoy!
【咖啡种类】Espresso 浓咖啡;Cappuccino 卡布奇诺;CafeLatte 拿铁咖啡;Cafe Americano 美式咖啡;Flat White 白咖啡;Vienna Coffee 维也纳咖啡;Irish coffee 爱尔兰咖啡;Caramel Macchiatto 焦糖玛奇朵;Cafe Breve 半拿铁;Mocha 摩卡~~~想轻松背单词, 关注@疯狂记忆单词 ...
有没有和我一样喜欢咖啡的baby? | 常用的咖啡英语知识: 一、咖啡类型: 1.拿铁咖啡 :Coffee Latte 2.卡布奇诺 :Cappuccino 3.美式咖啡:Americano 4.摩卡咖啡:Coffee Mocha / Mocha 5.玛奇朵:Macchiato 6.焦糖玛奇朵:Caramel Macchiato 7.醇艺白 / 馥芮白 / 平白咖啡:Flat White ...
Sometimes you can have a great cappuccino, latte or flat white with bad looking latte art (I confess). A middle ground would be to mix the espresso beforehand or what my previous barista used to do, pour a little bit of milk, stir it with the crema and continue pouring your latte art...
首先,我们来看意式咖啡。意式咖啡是以意式咖啡机制作的浓缩咖啡(Espresso)为基础,演变出各种形式的咖啡饮品,如美式咖啡(Americano)、拿铁咖啡(Caffe latte)、卡布奇诺(Cappuccino)和馥芮白(Flat White)等。这些饮品都是浓缩咖啡与水或牛奶、奶沫的不同组合。