Capital in the Twenty-First Century_2_2(优选) 热度: Capital in the Twenty-First Century_2_9(优选) 热度: BelknapPress cloth•$39.95 ISBN9780674430006
21世纪资本论 英文原版 Capital in the Twenty-First Century pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 具体描述 贫富不均渐趋恶化已是当前极受热议的问题。它的原因究竟是什麽?尽管众说纷纭,但各种议论的资料根据似乎略嫌不足。 Piketty从税收与遗产纪录著手,搜集整理横跨二十几个国家、长达二百多年的数据资料,藉此分析...
“Capital in the Twenty-First CenturySummary” Introduction Capitalism is a powerful force in economics, with a long history ofentrepreneurswho have worked hard creating companies, making money, and returning it to the economy in the form of investments. With its roots in the fourteenth century, ...
capitalinthetwentyfirstcentury二十一世纪资本论 系统标签: 资本论二十一zdm世纪shaiwcom 内容来自 什么值得买:http:// .sm zdm / 《C apital in the Tw enty-First C entury [二十一世纪资本论] 》 之前有值友 @ 菁菁最漂亮 推荐jd有外文书籍促销,就果断下单了(这书到手要3lbs,美亚的价格是 低,但3磅...
536-Capital in the Twenty First Century-Thomas Piketty-Economics-2013Barack2024/09/15《Capital in the Twenty First Century》,首版于2013年。它分析了来自二十个国家的独特数据,这些数据最早可追溯到18世纪,以揭示关键的经济和社会模式。皮凯蒂表明,现代经济增长和知识的传播使我们得以避免卡尔·马克思所预言的那...
Capital in the Twenty-First Century: Directed by Justin Pemberton. With Keira Knightley, Michael Douglas, Vanessa Redgrave, Ronald Reagan. Based on Thomas Piketty's No. 1 New York Times Bestseller, Capital in the Twenty-First Century explores one of the
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The first fundamental low of capitalism \alpha=r\times\beta . \alpha is the share of income from capital in national income, \beta is the capital/income ratio, r is the rate of return on capital. The second fundamental law of capitalism \beta=s/g . In the long run, the capital/inc...
Capital in the Twenty First Centurycapitalwealthincome distributiontaxesD31Capital in the Twenty-First Century By Thomas Piketty, translated by Arthur Goldhammer...doi:10.1080/17449359.2015.1010327GranvilleBrigitteManagement & Organizational History
Is Piketty a Marxist: A Debate on the Intellectual Foundation of Capital in the Twenty-First Century in the Academic Circle of Europe and America A large debate about the relationship between Thomas Piketty and Karl Marx was stirred in Europe and America since The Capital in the Twenty-first ...