Capital in the Twenty-First Century - Thomas Piketty, Arthur Goldhammer (2014) 热度: 革新的动力,21世纪的创业型大学 Engines of Innovation, The Entrepreneurial University in the Twenty-First Century 热度: BUILDING TRUST IN GOVERNMENT IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY - REVIEW OF ... ...
《C apital in the Tw enty-First C entury [二十一世纪资本论] 》 之前有值友 @ 菁菁最漂亮 推荐jd有外文书籍促销,就果断下单了(这书到手要3lbs,美亚的价格是 低,但3磅的运费伤不起) 这是当时 @ 菁菁最漂亮 的爆料连接 C apital in the Tw enty-First... ...
21世纪资本论 英文原版 Capital in the Twenty-First Century pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 具体描述 贫富不均渐趋恶化已是当前极受热议的问题。它的原因究竟是什麽?尽管众说纷纭,但各种议论的资料根据似乎略嫌不足。 Piketty从税收与遗产纪录著手,搜集整理横跨二十几个国家、长达二百多年的数据资料,藉此分析...
“Capital in the Twenty-First CenturySummary” Introduction Capitalism is a powerful force in economics, with a long history ofentrepreneurswho have worked hard creating companies, making money, and returning it to the economy in the form of investments. With its roots in the fourteenth century, ...
536-Capital in the Twenty First Century-Thomas Piketty-Economics-2013Barack2024/09/15《Capital in the Twenty First Century》,首版于2013年。它分析了来自二十个国家的独特数据,这些数据最早可追溯到18世纪,以揭示关键的经济和社会模式。皮凯蒂表明,现代经济增长和知识的传播使我们得以避免卡尔·马克思所预言的那...
【中英双语/豆瓣8.2分】21世纪资本论 Capital in the Twenty-First Century 4.3万播放 【纪录片】二战启示录(Apocalypse)【2009年】【法国】【中英字幕】 59.1万播放 宇宙【全14集】 427.8万播放 [纪录片] 二次大战全彩实录 World War II in Colour (2009) [英文字幕] 4.2万播放1...
BOOK REVIEWThomas Piketty: Capital in the twenty-first centuryHarvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 2014, vii + 685 pp, USD39.95 (cloth)Randall G. HolcombePublished online: 24 June 2014? Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014Piketty’s book is well-written and offers the reader a ...
Capital in the Twenty-First Century,中文名为21世纪资本论,是一本颇具话题性和争论性的书,可能不少朋友已经看了这本书的中文版,但你知道这本书的原本长什么样的吗?本节内容小编为大家精选带来的是pdf格式英文版21世纪资本论,该pdf格式英文版21世纪资本论共有696页,内容完整全面,有需要的朋友只需点击本文下方相...
Capital in the Twenty First Centurycapitalwealthincome distributiontaxesD31Capital in the Twenty-First Century By Thomas Piketty, translated by Arthur Goldhammer...doi:10.1080/17449359.2015.1010327GranvilleBrigitteManagement & Organizational History
Capital in the Twenty-First Century: Directed by Justin Pemberton. With Keira Knightley, Michael Douglas, Vanessa Redgrave, Ronald Reagan. Based on Thomas Piketty's No. 1 New York Times Bestseller, Capital in the Twenty-First Century explores one of the