15.Olofsson, P. Umbilical cord pH, blood gases, and lactate at birth: normal values, interpretation, and clinical utility.Am J Obstet Gynecol2023;228:1222–40.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajog.2022.07.001.Search in Google ScholarPubMed 16.Campbell, S, Thoms, A. Ultrasound measurement of the...
thus permitting a much higherṀO2compared with 27.4μm in spinydogfishSqualus acanthiasand 47.5μm in ratfish. Similar caution must be exercised when comparing data using different indices as these may give quite a different interpretation, for example, goldfishCarassius auratusRM CAF=3.3 but C:...
In the mammalian lung, an apparently homogenous mesh of capillary vessels surrounds each alveolus, forming the vast respiratory surface across which oxygen transfers to the blood1. Here we use single-cell analysis to elucidate the cell types, development
Study objective: In children aged 1 month to 18 years, we sought to examine the correlation between venous and arterialized capillary blood gas values, and to determine whether the source of blood sample influenced the interpretation of the acid-base status and clinical management. Methods: In a...
By providing integrated hemolysis detection in capillary blood sample measurements, the GEM Premier 7000 with iQM3 system can provide quality and confidence in the clinical interpretation of critical results such as potassium.Adib LButler MMcNary N...
Capillary blood volume; Pulmonary membrane dif- fusing capacity; Children Abstract Lung diffusing capacity estimated using nitric oxide (NO) as the tracer gas has been proposed as a direct measure of the pulmonary membrane diffusing capacity for NO (Dm) and ...
We focus on the latest developments with respect to miniaturization and mass spectrometry coupling, as well as data analysis and interpretation. The use of exoglycosidase sequencing in combination with current C(G)E technology is discussed, highlighting possible difficulties and pitfalls. The application...
1). Qualitative changes in total retinal blood flow are shown in Fig. 2A. In the structural OCT + OCTA B-scan cross section image (Fig. 2B) according to IOP, the major retinal vessel lumen was collapsed by IOP above 45 mmHg. The OCTA image of each retinal capillary layer are ...
(b) A molecular interpretation of (a) informed by results of Rostgaard and Qvortrup (123). It consists of clusters of fibrous strands projecting perpendicular to the luminal cell membrane with the 20-nm periodicity along the strand provided by equally spaced globular proteins. It is suggested ...
While mass spectrometry detection is useful to identify the presence of overlapping peaks, data interpretation becomes difficult if a large number of peptides co-elute. Difficulties also arise if the masses of the co-eluting peaks are similar and if the 13C, 15 N or 18O peaks overlap. A ...