Conclusion : Capillary blood gas analysis with correction for pO 2 as proposed in the present work is an acceptable alternative to arterial sampling for the assessment of CBF.doi:10.1007/s00431-022-04392-0Brodkorb, SilkeDepartment of Neonatology, Munich Clinic Harlaching, Munich, GermanySidorenko,...
Earlobe arterialized capillary blood gas analysis can be used to estimate arterial gas content and may be suitable for diagnosis and management of critically ill patients. However, its utility and applicability in the ICU setting remains unexplored. A prospective observational validation study was design...
Evaluation of acid-base balance during anæsthesia in our hospital revealed that standard bicarbonate concentrations of capillary blood from conscious and anæsthetized subjects were consistent with those of Astrup et al.2.Article PDFSimilar content being viewed by others Blood Gas Analysis and ...
网络毛细血管血气 网络释义 1. 毛细血管血气 ...capillary blood gas毛细血管血气, 冠状动脉旁路移植,) 皮质类固醇结合球蛋白, 皮质醇结合球蛋白 DG,CBG1. 肉芽肿荚膜杆菌 ...|基于 1 个网页
Blood Gas AnalysisSensitivity and SpecificityReproducibility of ResultsEmergency TreatmentBlood Specimen CollectionAdolescentStudy objective: In children aged 1 month to 18 years, we sought to examine the correlation between venous and arterialized capillary blood gas values, and to determine whether the ...
This implies that resolution will be greatest when μEP and μEOF are of similar magnitude but of opposite sign; however, high resolution will be at the expense of analysis time. It is also evident from Eq. (9) that, although Eq. (8) suggests that use of higher field strengths is the...
Capillaries are tiny blood vessels in your body. capillary 单语例句 1. The city also needs to clear blockages in what he termed " capillary vessels ". capillary的意思capillary 英英释义 noun 1. a tube of small internal diameter holds liquid by capillary action ...
KABE Labortechnik – Capillary Blood Collection GK KABE LABORTECHNIK GmbH Blood Gases /Electrolytes /Oximetry KABE Labortechnik – Consumables for blood gas analysis KABE LABORTECHNIK GmbH Histology Equipment · KABE Labortechnik – Consumables for pathology / histology ...
Cousineau, J, Anctil, S, Carceller, A, Gonthier, M, Delvin, EE. Neonate capillary blood gas reference values.Clin Biochem Eshraghi, N, Karandish, H, Mazouri, A, Abdi, A, Kashaki, M, Bordbar, A. Comparative analysis of neonatal umbilic...