Share on Facebook Thesaurus Encyclopedia Wikipedia ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1. Canterbury Tales- an uncompleted series of tales written after 1387 by Geoffrey Chaucer Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farle...
About The Bookpoetry
While Chaucer clearly states the addressees of many of his poems (the Book of the Duchess is believed to have been written for John of Gaunt on the occasion of his wife's death in 1368), the intended audience of The Canterbury Tales is more difficult to determine. Chaucer was a courtier...
I don’t regret doing it. It’s just getting the urge to start. I’m deep into a Tom Holland historical non-fiction book about the end of the ancient world and the rise of Islam, “The Shadow of the Sword.” Next I’m planning to check off a book that’s long been on my list...
书名:The Canterbury Tales《坎特伯雷故事集》 中文简介:《坎特伯雷故事集》(The Canterbury Tales)是一部诗体短篇小说集,作者是英国诗人乔叟。故事叙说有30名朝圣者聚集在伦敦一家客店,整装前往70英里外的坎特伯雷。店主哈里‧贝利自告奋勇担任导游,并在晚饭后提议在往返途中每人各讲两个故事,以解五天旅途中的无聊寂...
英文原版The Canterbury Tales Geoffrey ChaucerAssembling at the Tabard Inn in Southwark, twenty-nine pilgrims begin their journey to Canterbury Cathedral. To entertain themselves on their long road, their host suggests that they regale each other with stories, with the teller of the best tale set ...
Book your Canterbury Tales tour online now to save 15% on individual tickets (discount does not apply to Family ticket), or book your combination ticket to the Westgate Towers (WT) and Canterbury Tales (CT) online to save £2 per person! Book online at https: /www. canterburytales. org...
Lively, absorbing, often outrageously funny, Chaucer s The Canterbury Tales is a work of genius, an undisputed classic that has held a special appeal for each generation of readers. The Tales gathers twenty-nine of literature s most enduring (and endeari
[5]Kung-Fu, or Tauist Medical Gymnastics, John Dudgeon, 1895. Available online: Share: Twitter Facebook Pinterest Canterbury Tales,Chaucer Though all of the pilgrims from Chaucer’sCanterbury Talesagreed that the Knight’s Tale (the first tale tol...