要解决错误“Parsing Error: Cannot read file 'tsconfig.json'”,需要更新我们的.eslintrc.js文件,将tsconfigRootDir选项设置为__dirname来强制 eslint 解析相对于 .eslintrc.js 所在的文件夹的项目配置。 打开.eslintrc.js文件并添加或更新parserOptions对象,如下所示: module.exports= {parserOptions: {project:...
Hello all I constantly see this error in react-native app with eslint and prettier Cannot read config file /node_modules/eslint-config-prettier/react.js Error: "prettier/react" has been merged into "prettier" in eslint-config-prettier 8...
git 上传提交代码时报错Cannot read config file: /Users/(文件路径)/.eslintrc.json 在最初呢,我的项目里面并没有.eslintrc.json这个文件,git commit的时候报错 后来我就给文件夹里面添加了一个.eslintrc.json 报错呢,就变成了 .eslintrc.json里面的规则是 `{ "parserOptions":{"ecmaVersion":6,"sourceTy...
Error: This method cannot be used with flat config. Add your entries directly into the config array. at assertEslintrcConfig (/Users/erica.gucciardo/observe/code/js/node_modules/eslint/lib/linter/linter.js:1256:15) at Linter.getRules (/Users/erica.gucciardo/observe/code/js/node_modules/esl...
- eslint.rc- app3/ - node_modules/ - eslint.rc- eslint.rc Each app has the same config: module.exports= {extends: ['../.eslintrc', ], }; And in the root I want to have everything configured: module.exports= {parser:'@typescript-eslint/parser',parserOptions: {project:'tsconf...
Error:Cannotfindmodule'eslint-config-prettier/standard' In node modules I have `node_modules/eslint-config-prettier-standard` Note the difference between the slash and the hyphen in the rc file vs the directory. If I remove the slash (/) in the .eslintrc and replace it...
I am getting an error like this: SublimeLinter: #1 eslint index.js ERROR: Cannot read config file: <filepath to an .eslintrc.js file (which IS there)> Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open ‘./.prettierrc’ (als…
之前没有问题,今天打开项目后,ts文件中的import突然报Parsing error: Cannot read file '.../tsconfig.json'.eslint,查了下stackoverflow 内容 以下为大家给出的一些解决方案; 不过操作之前大家最好先看看自己的配置是否有问题; 我特喵的我那个配置文件名称project: "[tsconfig.json]"我这边不小心在后面打了个g...
配置eslint+prettier报错Error: Cannot read config file: /Users/qiandingwei/Documents/projects/creams-main 安装eslint和prettier后出现如下报错 解决: 将.eslintrc.js下的extends中的·prettier/@typescript-eslint去掉,如下所示: 具体原因可以参考github的issue......
This error seems similar to all the above ones. Additionally here is my .storybook/maint.ts file: import type { StorybookConfig } from "@storybook/nextjs"; const config: StorybookConfig = { stories: [ "../components/**/*.stories.mdx", "../components/**/*.stories.@(js|jsx|mjs|ts|...