Select a config file format. If prompted, confirm the installation of the necessary dependencies. The above steps will automatically set up an ESLint configuration and install the necessary dependencies for you. If you want to set up the config manually, run the following command: ...
I haveFormat on Saveon. When I runeslint --fix, it works properly. But when I hit save, I get the following error. It doesn't work for any plugin, even though I have all of them installed. 👀 Failed to load plugin 'prettier' declared in 'CLIOptions'. Cannot find module eslint...
When I run npm run serve, I get the following error - Module build failed (from ./node_modules/eslint-loader/index.js): Error: Cannot find module '@vue/eslint-config-airbnb' Referenced from: C:\Vue\Projects\build-a-bot.eslintrc.js at Mod...
Error: Cannot read config file: /path/to/.eslintrc.js Error: "SomeRuleName" already defined as eslint-plugin-regex rule nameLocal Custom Regex rulesCreate a local .eslintrc.js:1 . Add rule name using addRegexRuleName. 2 . Define eslint-plugin-regex custom regex rule....
git 上传提交代码时报错Cannot read config file: /Users/(文件路径)/.eslintrc.json 在最初呢,我的项目里面并没有.eslintrc.json这个文件,git commit的时候报错 后来我就给文件夹里面添加了一个.eslintrc.json 报错呢,就变成了 .eslintrc.json里面的规则是 ...
之前没有问题,今天打开项目后,ts文件中的import突然报Parsing error: Cannot read file '.../tsconfig.json'.eslint,查了下stackoverflow 内容 以下为大家给出的一些解决方案; 不过操作之前大家最好先看看自己的配置是否有问题; 我特喵的我那个配置文件名称project: "[tsconfig.json]"我这边不小心在后面打了个g...
// eslint.config.jsimportantfufrom'@antfu/eslint-config'exportdefaultantfu( {vue:true,typescript:true}, {// Remember to specify the file glob here, otherwise it might cause the vue plugin to handle non-vue filesfiles: ['**/*.vue'],rules: {'vue/operator-linebreak': ['error','before...
Despite me installing all the necessary dependencies for those three imports ineslint.config.jsto work in the documented way, they cannot be found. So something's off, and the fact that the hook works fine with the old-style config, without changing.pre-commit-config.yamlat all, ...
Error:Cannotfindmodule'eslint-config-prettier/standard' In node modules I have `node_modules/eslint-config-prettier-standard` Note the difference between the slash and the hyphen in the rc file vs the directory. If I remove the slash (/) in the .eslintrc and replace it...
Paths can begin with /, like /dist/** or /test*/**, but cannot begin with ./, like ./build/**. You can tell ESLint to ignore specific files and directories using ignorePatterns in your config files. example of .eslintrc.js module.exports = { env: { // ... }, extends: [ ...