我的protel 99 SE从原理图生成PCB时提示Cannot match pads with new footprint 是怎么回事啊? 可能是因为你的pcb图中的某些老封装对应不上你后来改的那些新封装,例如,u1生成PCB之前是10脚,你改封装后的u1是12脚,这时生成pcb时就会出现这个错误提示。解决办法:删除这个
原理图修改封装出现cannot match pads with new footprint问题 原因:新的封装,跟原来生成网络的元器件封装,焊盘的管脚Designetor名称不一致。 由于制作的PCB板比较小,用到一些封装比较小的元器件。开始画原理图时有个元器件没注意,用的比较大的封装,于是在网上找到了一款小的封装,按照如下步骤: 原理图找到元器件—...
在AD18绘制PCB封装库时,我画了一个滑动变阻器的封装,但在应用时,验证变更报错:Cannot match pads with new footprint in component: R3 Footprint,如下图: 百度发现有人说是封装绘制时焊盘距离太近,违反规则,但改变规则后依然无法通过。在仔细检查以后发现是焊盘管脚位号出错,在绘制封装时没有注意到位号编号不是...
PCB学习笔记——关于在原理图修改封装出现cannot match pads with new footprint问题,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
I have no idea what this means, and I'm getting very frustrated. I've gone into my connector footprint and deleted all of the pins, saved everything, then created an entrely new set of padstacks and made pins with those new pads - no luck. I'm pretty sure ...
Storage Spaces: How come a virtual disks (thinly provisioned with mirrored resiliency) footprint on the pool can remain high despite the volume was deduped and all potential purgable slabs/free space have been consolidated? Storage Spaces: Virtual Disk taken offline during file copy, marked as "...