在AD18绘制PCB封装库时,我画了一个滑动变阻器的封装,但在应用时,验证变更报错:Cannot match pads with new footprint in component: R3 Footprint,如下图: 百度发现有人说是封装绘制时焊盘距离太近,违反规则,但改变规则后依然无法通过。在仔细检查以后发现是焊盘管脚位号出错,在绘制封装时没有注意到位号编号不是...
原理图修改封装出现cannot match pads with new footprint问题 原因:新的封装,跟原来生成网络的元器件封装,焊盘的管脚Designetor名称不一致。 由于制作的PCB板比较小,用到一些封装比较小的元器件。开始画原理图时有个元器件没注意,用的比较大的封装,于是在网上找到了一款小的封装,按照如下步骤:原理图找到元器件—修...
铜皮t=10 铜皮t=10 铜皮t=10 电流A 宽度mm 电流A 宽度mm 电流A 宽度mm 6....
系统重装了,原先32位,装了64位系统,打开altium 09时遇到提示paraller port driver is not supported in 64-bit windows; 解决方法如下:打开菜单栏的DXP->Preference->FPGA->DevicesView->把Options中所有打勾的都去掉---点击ok.重新打开DXP就好了。 2.10 从原理图生成PCB时提示Cannot matchpadswith new footprin...
pip安装报错:Command python setup.py egg_info failed with error code 1 原文链接 windows下使用pip安装torch模块,出现错误: ERROR: Command "python setup.py egg_info" failed with error code 2023-01-12 15:43:53 编译器error cannot create command input file '..\obj\stm32f10x_it.__i'error -...
A footprint is thus a grouped set of PCB pads and component overlay shapes that define the space required to mount and connect the component on the board layout. Once mounted on a PCB, the component is then considered to be a physical component. It’s worth noting that in most cases, ...
Net Tie - These components are used to short two or more different nets together, they are always synchronized between the schematic and PCB (the footprint, pins/pads and net assignments must all match), and are not included in the BOM. They differ from a Standard component in that co...
(fall/rise) Integrated temperature sensor Small footprint CSP package Power-down feature: <1.5 mW at 5 V Single-supply operation: 5V @ 68 mA Fabricated using high speed SiGe process APPLICATIONS RF transmitter PA setpoint control and level monitoring RSSI measurement in base stations, WLAN, ...
Tab- use this shortcut if the required width is not defined as a favorite. Pressing Tab will pop up theInteractive Routing for Netdialog, as shown further down the page. The dialog opens with the current width selected, simply type in a new value and pressEnterto close the dialog and co...
原理图修改封装出现cannotmatchpads with new footprint问题原因:新的封装,跟原来生成网络的元器件封装,焊盘的管脚Designetor名称不一致。由于制作的...致。 原来的,如图新修改的,如图 把新修改的原理图封装,焊盘的管脚Designetor名称与之前名称改为一致,在执行更新PCB图就没问题了。