Hello! I am a new to programming and developing and I have a question: I tried using Xcode and copied my code from Playgrounds into my Xcode Project. But now it says 50 times "Cannot find (...) in scope." In Playgrounds my code worked. What am I doing wrong? Thank you very much...
}functestGetUser() {XCTAssertNil(AppManager.getUser())letuser=User(firstname:"John", lastname:"Doe", emailAddress:"john.doe@domain.com", roles: [User.UserRole.roleAdministrator], avatarImageUrl:"https://placehold.co/40", locale:"en")letencoder=JSONEncoder()ifletuserData=try...
Xcode升级到13后原来的项目打开就报错Cannot find 'xxxx' in scope; 都是针对OC类的报错; 虽然可以正常运行但是看起来很烦; 解决办法 Targets > Build Settings Precompile Bridging Header 设为NO
when I removed the extension from the BankInfoQuery file, the error was eliminated. Does this have any effect on the removal of 'extension schemeName'' from the query.graphql file? Or in what way to prevent it from being generated automatically. In addition, if you call it in the way ...
Code Block Cannot find "self" in scope Code Block Consecutive declarations on a line must be separated by ";"Why is this happening? I'm expecting to pass the ViewController to be used in the "target" attribute, but why self cannot be found in scope? Isn't SELF supposed to be pointing...
"Cannot find 'CombineLatest' in scope" return CombineLatest($password, $passwordAgain) { password, passwordAgain in guard password == passwordAgain, password.count > 8 else { return nil } return password } .map { $0 == "password1" ? nil : $0 } .eraseToAnyPublisher() } } ...
swift 在做单元测试时候,发现以下错误:找不到 QDTeacher 类, import xxx 无效。解决办法:Clean Build Folder 项目,或者退出重新打开。cmd+u 显示 Build Succeeded!
Cannot find 'WXApi' in scope 幻影05-1497浏览问题模块: Bug反馈 框架类型 问题类型 操作系统 操作系统版本 手机型号 微信版本 小程序 Bug iOS iOS 10.1.2 iphone x 6.5.3 https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/oplatform/Mobile_App/Access_Guide/iOS.html swift项目集成"WechatOpenSDK-XCFramework" ...
private var topic: String! private var username: String! private var password: String! @Published var currentAppState = MQTTAppState() private var anyCancellable: AnyCancellable? // Private Init private init() { // Workaround to support nested Observables, without this...
I got an error that said Cannot find type 'apirequests', 'RequestType' in scope and Cannot find type 'ServiceStatusCode' in scope. <---BaseRequest .swift---> BaseRequest.swift import UIKit import Alamofire protocol ServiceRequestDelegate { func successWithdata(response: BaseResponse); func...