这个错误信息通常出现在macOS操作系统上,当您尝试执行一些需要Xcode或Xcode命令行工具支持的操作(如使用git时可能需要xcode-select工具)时,但系统中没有安装这些工具时,就会显示这样的提示。 2. 错误信息解释 xcode-select: note: no developer tools were found, request install 这个错误信息的含义是,系统没有找到任...
方法/步骤 1 设置Valid Architectures: armv7,armv7s 2 Project ---> Build Settings ---> Build Options中设置compiler for c/c++。。as LLVM 3 还可能需要设置Base and Deployment sdk 4 执行:cd~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData跳转到这个目录下,清除里面所有缓存的数据:lsrm-fr* 注意事项 有...
问题:Mac安装git,使用时提示 cannot run git xcode-select: note: no developer tools were found, requesting install. 没必要根据提示下载对应软件,这个软件很大,有好几个G 解决方法: 去苹果的开发者官网下载 Command_Line_Tools_for_Xcode_12.4.dmg 版本选择最新即可 官网地址:https://developer.apple.com/downl...
错误,解决办法 brew install openssl 安装xcode命令行 xcode-select --install 重启,再次安装即可。 如果还是不行的话,建议从opensll官方网站下载源码,手动安装一下。 如果还是不行的话,手动指定一下 openssl 的路径
brew install openssl 安装xcode命令行 xcode-select --install 重启 然后重新安装 .
Usexcode-selectto verify that Xcode 16.1 is selected. dotnet build -f net9.0-ios Problem repros. Did you find any workaround? No. Build logs binlog:msbuild.zip This looks like a variation of#3931. Can you try executing this script, to see if that shows the same error?
Sorry, my English is not very good. The following is the content translated by Google. I am using the environment: flutter 2.10.5, xcode15; currently, when encountering xcode, I can only run a virtual machine, and cannot perform real mac...
1.xcode-select --install,后出现错误“xcode-select: error: command line tools are already installed, use "Software Update" to install updates ”, 解决:$ rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools $ xcode-select--install 2,第二步 1)sudo xcode-select -r ...
On your Mac build machine, use Xcode to download all of the latest certificates and provisioning profiles: Open the Xcode app. Select the Settings… item in the Xcode menu. Select the @ Accounts tab. If you haven’t already, add your Apple Developer Account. Otherwise, select your account....