在Java开发过程中,我们经常会遇到编译错误,其中一种常见的错误是“找不到符号”(Cannot find symbol)错误。这种错误通常发生在代码中引用了一个不存在的变量、方法或类时。本文将向刚入行的小白开发者介绍如何解决这类编译错误,并提供详细的步骤和示例代码。 解决流程 下面是解决Java编译错误“找不到符号”的一般流...
The only thing now is that I am getting a compilation error when trying to mvn install: Cannot find symbol [ERROR] symbol: class DataSourceBuilder [ERROR] location: package org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.jdbc Did I break something by upgrading my dependencies? My project...
我改成这样就好了牙 import java.math.BigDecimal ;public class Mytest { static class Mymath { public static double add(String str1,String str2){ BigDecimal big1 = new BigDecimal(str1) ;BigDecimal big2 = new BigDecimal(str2) ;return big1.add(big2).doubleValue();} public stati...
/root/grpc-kotlin-hello/proto/src/main/java/io/grpc/examples/helloworld/GreeterGrpc.java:23: error: cannot find symbol @javax.annotation.Generated( ^ symbol: class Generated location: package javax.annotation 1 error FAILURE: Build faile...
执行mvn clean install -DskipTests对项目进行编译时,报错如下: [ERROR] /Users/miaoying/Documents/.../utils/ThreeDESUtil.java:[4,16] cannotfindsymbol [ERROR] symbol: class BASE64Decoder [ERROR] location: package sun.misc [ERROR]/Users/miaoying/Documents/.../utils/ThreeDESUtil.java:[5,16] ca...
The “Cannot find symbol” error in Java is a common stumbling block for beginners and experienced developers alike. This compiler error occurs when the Java compiler encounters a reference to a symbol – like a variable, method, or class – that it c
错误的意思不能解析class LendHandler 这个类,可能是的环境变量没有设置好,页可能是类本身有问题,先检查一下你的环境变量,如果没错就是类写的有问题
显示无法找到symbol的原因一般是找不到对应的jar包,在非maven工程下需要手动导入jar包: 对于maven工程无法找到的原因一般是分两种:类对应的依赖没有加载进来、编译器自身的设置和缓存问题 第一步:检查工程内是否已有用到的jar包--》已有跳入第二步,未有跳入第二步 第二
java: cannot find symbol symbol: class SpringExtension My POM file looks like this: <groupId>org.example</groupId><artifactId>gown-qub-app</artifactId><version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version><properties><maven.compiler.source>22</maven.compiler.source><maven.compiler.target>22</maven.compiler.target>...
0 Java error cannot find symbol class Scanner.using jdk 6 0 Scanner no class error 0 Scanner Class Error 0 Scanner error Symbol not found 0 Cannot find Scanner Class 0 Cannot find symbol, using Scanner and Switch Cases 0 My scanner keeps getting the error "cannot find symbol" ...