[ERROR] cannot find symbol [ERROR] symbol: class RedisUtil [ERROR] location: package com.test.util 解决方案 提示比较明显,没有找到个symbol。 直接全局搜索 RedisUtil 字段,发现代码中有写RedisUtil,但是redisUtils实际没有用到。 代码如下: import com.test.util.RedisUtil; @Autowired private RedisUtil r...
[ERROR] /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/pipeline_p-cgs8h-1/src/main/java/com/xx/sea/base/util/EncryptionCoder.java:[9,16] cannot find symbol symbol: class BASE64Decoder location: package sun.misc [ERROR] /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/pipeline_p-cgs8h-1/src/main/java/com/xx/sea/base/uti...
Cannot find symbol class (Java swing) Oct 17 '10, 06:44 AM Hey, I seem to have a problem on a Java Swing Program with ActionListener. I've tried to use getSource in our class but seem don't have an idea why it won't work when I tried to program at home. ( I'm using an ...
编译时如果出现该错误,请检查是否因为你在gradle.properties中启用了: android.databinding.enableV2 这是Android Gradle plugin在3.1.+版本新增的一个实验性的特性,并且不向后兼容;该特性在3.2.版本开始才默认启用,并且向后兼容。 具体的可以查看关于DataBinding V2的
【解决⽅案】报错:cannotfindsymbol[ERROR]symbol:classB。。。执⾏mvn clean install -DskipTests对项⽬进⾏编译时,报错如下:[ERROR] /Users/miaoying/Documents/.../utils/ThreeDESUtil.java:[4,16] cannot find symbol [ERROR] symbol: class BASE64Decoder [ERROR] location: package sun...
error: cannot find symbol class GlideApp MuruganSKuttyopened this issueOct 10, 2019· 2 comments MuruganSKuttycommentedOct 10, 2019• edited Glide Version: 4.8.0 <!-- Bonus points if you attach a relevant screenshot, screen recording or a small demo project --> I'm using Android studio...
java中cannot find symbol class Frame是什么意思 只看楼主 收藏 回复mafiawzh502 水 1 急急。。。求解。 xiao78050576 司马水 13 么import 类 311000771 水 1 是import类。 311000771 水 1 如何解决?急!! xiao78050576 司马水 13 import java.awt.Frame 311000771 水 1 是加上它吗?
Error:Error:line (1)cannot find symbol class GroovyTestCase /Users/mhusby/Library/Caches/IntelliJIDEA70/compiler/iWine.iWinefae7ff5d/.generated/Groovy_to_java_source_code_generator/iWine.fae7fefa/test/SupplierTests.java Error:Error:line (1)cannot find symbol class GroovyTestCase ...
I've set up Game Services for my game to use Leaderboards and wanted to Implement Firebase. I did include the google-services.json file and dependencies on my gradle files. However I'm getting the same error "error: cannot find symbol class R" when trying to make the Build. I already ...