I just checked it require is working. I tested by using it for styled-components: // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires const styled = require('styled-components').default; Lastly, can you double-check your tsconfig.json in your apps and libs? They should inclu...
TypeScript 解决 Cannot find name URL 错误 要解决“Cannot find name URL”错误,如果在浏览器中运行,请确保将 DOM 字符串添加到tsconfig.json文件中的 lib 数组,或者如果在 Node.js 中运行,请为node安装typings。 我们可以将模块作为import { URL } from 'url'导入。 如果我们在浏览器中运行,请确保将 DOM ...
error - typescript - Cannot find name 'Set' ERRORin[at-loader] ./node_modules/@types/react/index.d.ts:377:23TS2583: Cannot find name'Set'. Do you need to change your target library? Try changing the `lib` compiler option to es2015 or later. 错误原因:tsconfig.json里面的配置 compiler...
因此总结,主要原因TypeScript自带的类型只有DOM环境里面的那些类型(在 lib.dom.d.ts里面),Node.js的类型是不自带并且通过@types/node 这个库来维护的。 英文参考链接: Cannot find name '..'. Do you need to change your target library? https://www.zhihu.com/question/470016632/answer/1978489216...
Summary When compiling a Typescript file that uses MeiliSearch for Node.js, the error TS2304: Cannot find name 'Request' causes the build to fail. This happens because this library uses the Request type from the DOM library, which is not...
为了在ReactTypeScript中解决Cannot find name报错,我们需要在使用JSX文件时使用.tsx扩展名,在你的tsconfig.json文件中把jsx设置为react-jsx,并确保为你的应用程序安装所有必要的@types包。 typescript-react-cannot-find-name.webp 下面是在名为App.ts的文件中发生错误的示例。
ts-node 是一个可以直接运行 ts 文件的 npm 工具包。如果是初次使用,直接运行 typescript 代码可能会遇到这种报错:Cannot find name '...
Error: src/app/app.component.ts:46:17 - error TS2592: Cannot find name '$'. Do you need to install type definitions for jQuery? Try `npm i --save-dev @types/jquery` and then add 'jquery' to the types field in your tsconfig 问题2. ERRO ReferenceError: $ is not defined 解决办法 ...
you can encode data using the qs library: var qs = require('qs'); axios.post('/foo', qs.stringify...({ 'bar': 123 }); Node.js In node.js, you can use the querystring module as follows: var querystring...TypeScript axios includes TypeScript defi...
With @types/graphql installed on express server project, Typescript compilation throw error: node_modules/@types/graphql/subscription/subscribe.d.ts(17,12): error TS2304: Cannot find name 'AsyncIterator' Cause: No lib for esnext.AsyncIterator Solution: add lib config to tsconfig.json Notice...