针对你遇到的“cannot find module 'node_modules ode-gyp\bin ode-gyp.js'”问题,我为你提供以下解决步骤: 确认node-gyp是否已经正确安装: 你可以通过运行以下命令来检查node-gyp是否已安装: bash node-gyp --version 如果这个命令返回了版本号,说明node-gyp已经安装。如果返回错误信息,说明可能需要安装或重新安...
Cannot find module '\node_modules\sqlite3\lib\binding\napi-v6-win32-x64\node_sqlite3.node'到依赖目录里面去看,发现只有 napi-v3-win32-x64 这个目录,压根就没有 napi-v6-win32-x64 这个目录,原因在于用 node-gyp 命令构建的,而应该要用官网说的 node-pre-gyp rebuild 去构建。此时拿着这个错误...
89316 verbose lifecycle grpc@1.0.1~install: PATH: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/node-gyp-bin:/home/intralizee/Psychedelices/node_modules/google-cloud/node_module$ 89317 verbose lifecycle grpc@1.0.1~install: CWD: /home/intralizee/Psychedelices/node_modules/google-cloud/node_modules/grpc 89...
Error: Cannot find module 'path_to_my_project/node_modules/bcrypt/lib/binding/napi-v3/bcrypt_lib.node' And indeed the foldernode_modules/bcrypt/libis not there at all... Why would installation not make this folder? I suspect it's something to do with node-gyp not doing it's thing, ...
因为因为网络原因导致的node-modules的部分文件缺失,在npm install 时报错如下: 但此时有node-modules,启动项目会报:Error: Cannot find module 'node-sass' 解决方法如下: 1. npm install -g cnpm --registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org 2. cnpm install node-sass@版本 ...
比如: 遇到报错不要慌,先看报错的开头,一般就能找到答案,他说没有找到这个模块 node-sass 这时你可以去项目依赖node_module里边去找一下 ,发现确实没有这个包,那就重新装一下吧 npm install node-sass –save 就迎来这种报错,这个node-sass包应该是在国外的站点上,拉取过程中非常容易失败,中间断一下,就算完了...
20 silly saveTree | +-- node-pre-gyp@0.11.0 20 silly saveTree | | +-- detect-libc@1.0.3 20 silly saveTree | | +-- mkdirp@0.5.1 20 silly saveTree | | | `-- minimist@0.0.8 20 silly saveTree | | +-- needle@2.2.4 20 silly saveTree | | | +-- debug@2.6.9 ...
As the error says Error: Cannot find module 'node-sass'. To solve this you have to install node-sass using following command: npm install node-sass 1. 2. 3. 4.
To solve the error "Cannot find module 'bcrypt'", install the `node-gyp` and `bcrypt` packages.
[1] (node:18152) [DEP0148] DeprecationWarning: Use of deprecated folder mapping "./" in the "exports" field module resolution of the package at E:\ProjectSource-Code\87VR-Game-Electron\node_modules\css-loader\node_modules\postcss\package.json. ...