no makefile found Runningmakerequires that there is aMakefilein the current working directory. Just usehomebrew: The reproduce steps: brew install node@16 npm i -g npm npm i -g node-gyp node-gyp configure err log: $node-gyp configure g...
新手上路,请多包涵 gyp: make not found (cwd: /root/node-v6.2.2) while trying to load make Error running GYP node.jsubuntu 有用关注2收藏 回复 阅读4.1k SwenChan: apt-get install cmake 回复2016-07-05 1 个回答 得票最新 SwenChan 261 发布于 2016-07-05 apt-get install cmake 有用...
新手上路,请多包涵 gyp: make not found (cwd: /root/node-v6.2.2) while trying to load make Error running GYP node.jsubuntu 有用关注2收藏 回复 阅读4.1k SwenChan: apt-get install cmake 回复2016-07-05 1 个回答 得票最新 SwenChan 261 发布于 2016-07-05 apt-get install cmake 有用...
$ node-gyp build make: Entering directory `/home/piaoger/Public/Piaoger/nodeaddon/build' make: Warning: File `Release/.deps/./Release/nppluginproxy.node.d' hasmodification time 2.7e+06 s in the future ACTION Regenerating Makefile gyp: binding.gyp not found (cwd: /home/piaoger/Public/Pi...
not ok make: *** [Release/] Error 1 gyp ERR! build error gyp ERR! stack Error: `make` failed with exit code: 2 gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.onExit (/Users/youthcity/.nvm/versions/node/v10.5.0/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/lib/build.js:...
本文记录 node.js 安装过程。 Linux 安装 官网链接: 方法1 下载代码包: 下载后解压,将文件夹/bin目录添加到系统路径即可使用npm命令管理node.js包 方法2 下载二进制文件包 命令行可以: wget ...
; if (!File.Exists(newExe)) throw new FileNotFoundException(newExe); var process = new Process(); process.StartInfo.FileName = newExe; process.StartInfo.Arguments = String.Join("\u0020", Environment.GetCommandLineArgs().Skip(1)); process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; if (!process....
出现这种问题基本是由于node版本与sass版本不匹配导致的 方案1:卸载node,安装对应版本 方案2:修改sass...
gyp info spawn args '--no-parallel', gyp info spawn args '--generator-output', gyp info spawn args 'build', gyp info spawn args '-Goutput_dir=.' ] gyp: binding.gyp not found (cwd: /Users/omatrot/Projects/sandbox/Djinnius) while trying to load binding.gyp gyp ERR! configure error...
使用ls和grep命令配合 统计当前目录下文件的个数,不包括目录 > ls -l | grep "^-" | wc -l 统计文件夹下文件个数,包括子文件 > ls -lR | grep "^-" | wc -l 9188 统计文件夹下目录个数,包括子目录 > ls -lR | grep "^d" | wc -l 540 使用find和wc 统计当前目录下所有的普通...