In my Azure Pipeline I created a container using docker run using the below command: docker run-e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y'-e 'SA_PASSWORD=Pa$$w0rd12'-p1433:1433-d In another task I tried listing this container with adocker psand it show...
this: am short on time so my Dockerfile just "barely works" for me - thus I find it prudent not to share it here - but I am sure someone can make a good Dockerfile to be shared for other people with the same ...
BcContainerHelper is version 4.0.6 BcContainerHelper is running as administrator Hyper-V is Disabled UsePsSession is True Host is Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Standard - ltsc2022 Docker Client Version is 20.10.9 Docker Server Version is 20.10.9 Removing Session bcsqlremote Removing container bcsql...
Actually I was able to make it work by making the server run in a separate service like this:
Description We are trying to enable Change Data Capture on our On Prem SQL Serve DB, and stream change events to Azure Event Hubs. To do that, we launch connect-distributed.cmd with a file to stream into Az...
When I tried to start the SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) service in Sql Server Configuration Manager, I got this error.Then I check the event viewer and I saw this error:SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) service terminated with the following service-specific error: Cannot find object or property....
6)HttpClient有三个超时参数:ConnectionRequestTimeout、ConnectTimeout、SocketTimeout 7) springcloudfeign 连接服务Connection time out 8)docker容器自动重启策略 使用portainer后台 ,stop容器后,又自动重启了 9)kafka - consumer处理业务超时,导致无法正常提交Offset,重复消费 10)springboot2.0 + mybatis+clickhouse+mys...
I found out IP of the mysql server with: docker inspect db2 | grep IPAddress This IP I used in node-js for connection, but I cannot connect to that server. I am using toolbox and windows 10. Any idea, where could be the problem? Thanks in advance Error: connect ETIMEDOUT
Hosting provider says 500 - Internal server error. ASP.Net Core 3.0 : How to validate JWT Bearer Tokens ASP.NET Core 3.1 Angular Web App builds and runs on Windows but fails on Mac OSX and in Docker ASP.NET Core 3.1 image problem with "~" sign ASP.NET CORE 3.1: Azure AD ...
You can also connect them via TCP inside the defined docker network. The compose file service name will resolve to the correct backend IP on the container. This avoids having to cross-mount volumes.