复制 (1)Images space usage:REPOSITORYTAGIMAGEIDCREATEDSIZESHAREDSIZEUNIQUESIZECONTAINERSonlyoffice/documentserver latest d06214a03e272months ago2.145GB 0B2.145GB1(2)Containers space usage:CONTAINERIDIMAGECOMMANDLOCALVOLUMESSIZECREATEDSTATUSNAMESd415211e52da onlyoffice/documentserver"/bin/sh -c /app/ds/…"6...
localhost port 80 after 0 ms: Couldn't connect to server netdata@192:/var/run$ exit exit root@192:/# curl --unix-socket "/var/run/docker.sock" http://localhost/containers/dd6ff507ffd56882b33f8125f00f014cfcb552be69c99a4d896951d551f8d82a/json {"Id":"dd6ff507ffd56882b33f8125f00...
ERROR: Couldn’t connect to Docker daemon at http+docker://localunixsocket - is it running? 1. 报错原因:由于Docker的守护进程未启动导致本地的UNIX.sock不能成功连接; 解决方式: #1.启动/停止docker: 启动systemctl start docker 守护进程重启 sudo systemctl daemon-reload 重启docker服务 systemctl restar...
REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE SHARED SIZE UNIQUE SIZE CONTAINERS onlyoffice/documentserver latest d06214a03e272months ago2.145GB 0B2.145GB1(2)Containers space usage: CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND LOCAL VOLUMES SIZE CREATED STATUS NAMES d415211e52da onlyoffice/documentserver"/bin/sh -c /app/ds/...
Steps to reproduce the issue: 1.minikube start --cpus=4 --memory=8192 --alsologtostderr -v=1 2. 3. Full output of failed command: I0201 18:00:10.214191 307281 out.go:229] Setting OutFile to fd 1 ... I0201 18:00:10.214691 307281 out.go:28...
It will connect to an SAP Cloud Platform (SAPCP) account, for example to your own trial account, using your credentials. The green arrow in the image above is important, because it’s always the Cloud Connector that opens the steady connection (= the "tunnel"). It’s never...
character_set_server=utf8 init_connect='SET NAMES utf8' 重启mysql,将配置进行生效 systemctl restart mysqld 此配置内容不修改,创建CDH相关库时会出现问题 允许root用户远程登录 进入MySQL命令行 mysql -u root -p 输入密码 执行 GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '(密码)' WI...
记录一次centost docker 容器 占满磁盘100% 的处理 备忘 1、查看系统磁盘使用情况 df -h 2、查看docker镜像及容器空间占比 docker system df 3、查找大文件 find / -type f -size +100M -print0 | xargs -0 du -h | sort -nr # 查找"/"目录下所有大于100M的所有文件...
2020年4月18日,南极熊注意到福布斯上发表了一篇有关COVID-19和3D打印的文章。 几个月前,Chris Advisory Group的供应链管理研究总监Chris Cunnane写了一篇有关3D打印和供应链的文章,探讨了增材制造如何能够影响端到端的全球供应链 。他研究了公司如何开始探索按需制造而不...
张雨绮一直以大女人的形象面对众人,好感满满,与王安全离婚、与袁巴元离婚再复合、diss俞洪敏的言论,朱正廷的一句话也被粉丝指责是不尊重张雨绮。 可就这样的女星,被前夫指责到处找男人。袁巴元晒出的朋友圈,可以看出几点,其一是张雨绮主动求和袁巴元;其二,张雨绮和认识两天的男人开房,还...