我在总线中使用的是CAN FD+BRS协议,系统中包含了NI-XNET的设备。在运行过程中,其他的所有设备都能够正常工作,但是NI-XNET设备会出现错误帧或者不正确的状态,需要指出的是,该设备使用的是默认的NI-XNET位速率设置。 解决方案 这种现象通常是由不同设备的采样点之间不匹配造成的。
是USB通讯中的一种,CAN FD的BRS协议
Solved: According to CAN FD spec,the BRS+ESI+DLC is 6bit。 But their waveform is not 6bit。I find the waveform is strange。 The wave form is as
I have a CAN FD and BRS cluster on my bus, which includes a NI-XNET device. All other devices seem to be working fine, however, I am seeing error frames or incorrect behavior with the default NI-XNET bit rate timing settings. The frames are slow and it causes a data loss. The ...
With CANoe/CANalyzer there are two possibilities to generate CAN FD frames: Using the CAN IG, please proceed as follows to manually enable the Bit Rate Switch (BRS). or Using the IG, please proceed as follows to manually enable the Bit Rate Switch (BRS).Copy...
I have configured Nominal bitrate to 1Mbps & Data bitrate to 5Mbps in MPC5746c Microcontroller. I am able to send & receive CAN-FD frames (non-BRS)
TDC实际上就是在发送BRS位为隐性的CANFD报文时(BRS隐性即开启数据域波特率),在发送时延迟一定时间后,在第二采样点采样接收位,以正确采样到发送位对应的接收位。1. 发送延迟测量那么延迟采样的延迟时间是多久呢?实际上,开启TDC后,控制器将自动测量Tx信号线上FDF位到r0位下降沿与Rx信号线上FDF位到r0位边沿的之间...
下面我们给出一些常用波特率下,不同类型报文每秒最多可以发送的CANFD报文帧数(下表中报文BRS位为1,ESI位为0),供大家参考。 图1:500K/2M波特率 图2:1M/5M波特率 图3:1M/8M波特率 发布于 2022-08-19 17:48 写下你的评论... 还没有评论,发表第一个评论吧 ...
With CANoe/CANalyzer there are two possibilities to generate CAN FD frames: Using the CAN IG, please proceed as follows to manually enable the Bit Rate Switch (BRS). or Using the IG, please proceed as follows to manually enable the Bit Rate Switch (BRS).Copy...