N0 区域淋巴结无转移 N1 同侧淋巴结转移,可活动 N2 同侧转移性淋巴结相互融合,或与其他组织固定;或临床无证据显示腋淋巴结转移的情况下,存在临床明显的内乳淋巴结转移 N2a 同侧转移性淋巴结相互融合,或与其他组织固定 N2b 临床无证据显示腋淋巴结转移的情况下,存在临床明显的内乳淋巴结转移 ...
The objective of this study was to evaluate the survival of patients in a monoethnic group diagnosed with T1b lymph node-negative breast cancer depending on HER2 status. Methods We analyzed 3110 patients with T1bN0M0 breast cancer whose data were deposited into the Korean Breast Cancer Society ...
The benefit of adjuvant chemotherapy (CT) for hormone receptor-negative T1a and T1bN0M0 breast cancer remains uncertain. Our study was to explore prognostic value and identify candidates of adjuvant CT for these patients. The data of hormone receptor-negative T1a and T1bN0M0 breast cancer patient...
T1, N0, and M0 I Tumor confined to corpus uteri T1a, N0, and M0 IA Tumor confined to endometrium or invading <50% of myometrium T1b, N0, and M0 IB Tumor invading ≥50% of myometrium T2, N0, and M0 II Uterine cervical extension T3, N0, and M0 III Tumor extends outside the ...
Regarding the stage of cancer, T1aN1 is now classified as Stage II, as is the case with T1bN1. T4a up to N3 is now classified as Stage III. T4b, beginning with N0, is now classified as Stage IVa. 7. Regarding the extent of residual cancer, classification into R1 based on macrosco...
Her third cancer occurred in May 2016, at the age of 72, when she developed lung cancer in the right lower lobe, treated with right lung lobectomy; the histological report showed a moderately differentiated lung adenocarcinoma, pathologic stage IA (pT1b N0 M0). Molecular characterization on prim...
Instead, the incidence of LN metastases in submucosal EGC (pT1b) was as high as 23%. In particular, metastases to the second level (LN stations 7-11) and third level (LN stations 12-16) were detected in 5% of the patients. The authors concluded that, in patients with distal third ...
T1b Tumor >1 cm but ≤2 cm in greatest dimension T1c Tumor >2 cm but ≤3 cm in the greatest dimension T2Tumor >3 cmbut ≤5 cm or tumor with any of the following features : Involves the main bronchus regardless of distance from the carina but without the involvement of the carina ...
Patients with T1a-T1bN0M0 glottic laryngeal carcinomas received small box fields to the larynx without an elective volume. The remaining patients with N0 disease received bilateral (or unilateral for tonsillar tumours without the involvement of soft palate or base of tong) elective volumes by the...