对于T1-2N1的早期乳腺癌患者,全乳切除术后是否进行放疗仍存争议。目前认为对于一部分低风险乳腺癌患者,全乳切除术后放疗的潜在远期毒性可能超过其获得的潜在局部复发率上的获益。目前的指南也推荐全乳切除术后放疗主要用于高风险女性。近日发布在Clinical Cancer Research杂志上的一项研究,分别纳入NCDB和SEER数据库患者,...
而Luminal B、Her-2阳性、三阴性患者未能从放疗中获益 研究结论:术后放疗可以给T1-2N1M0 Luminal A 型乳腺癌患者带来生存获益 我的二维码 参考文献 Wei J,Jiang Y,Shao Z.The survival benefit of postmastectomy radiotherapy for breast...
21-Gene Recurrence Score Assay Predicts Benefit of Post-Mastectomy Radiotherapy in T1-2 N1 Breast Cancer. Clin Cancer Res; 24(16); 3878–87.
Protein tyrosine kinase activity in 350 T1=T2, N0=N1 breast cancer: preliminary results. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 1996;39:327^334.Protein tyrosine kinase activity - Bolla, Rostaing-Puissant, et al. - 1996Bolla M, Rostaing-Puissant B, Bottari SP, Chedin M, Marron-Charrière J, Colonna M,...
文章:《Single-Cell Transcriptomic Analysis of Tumor-Derived Fibroblasts and Normal Tissue-Resident Fibroblasts Reveals Fibroblast Heterogeneity in Breast Cancer》,在这个研究里面,作者 investigated CAF heterogeneity in triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) using a syngeneic mouse model, BALB/c-derived 4T1 ma...
结果 73 421例女性患者中 N0期 61 955例(84.4%),N1期 9 995例(13.6%),N2期 1 087例(1.5%),N3期384例(0.5%)。浸润性癌、组织学分级3级、T1c期、孕激素受体(PR)阳性、分子分型为人类表皮生长因子受体2(HER‑2)阳性患者更易发生淋巴结转移(均P<0.05)。中位随访时间55个月,T1期乳腺癌患者5年生存...
ConclusionsThe LRR rate of clinical T1-3N1M0 breast cancer patients who achieved ypN0 after NAC and mastectomy was low. PMRT decreased the DM rate and increased DFS rate in all patients, and significantly decreased the LRR rate in Stage Ⅲ disease. PMRT should be considered for patients with...
The t-test for independent samples (normally distributed and homoscedastic data) and the Mann–Whitney U test (skewed or heteroscedastic data) were used to compare each parameter between the pathologic types, WHO grades (G1-2 vs G3), pT stages (early vs late), and pN stages (N0 vs N1-...
ConclusionThe prognostic stage groups of 8th edition AJCC staging system has superior prognostic accuracy compared to 7th edition in T1-2N1M0 breast cancer, and has better clinical therapeutic guidance value. KEYWORDS: Breast neoplasms;Prognosis;Estrogen receptor;Progesterone receptor;Human epidermal growth...
[25] pointed out that among colorectal cancer patients treated with Fluoropyrimidine (FP) in combination with Oxaliplatin (OX), dMMR has relatively good overall survival compared to pMMR for the N1 population, in colorectal cancer patients with adjuvant indications and no risk factors, dMMR has a...