United Kingdom Co-ordinating Committee on Cancer Research (UKCCCR). 1998. UKCCCR Guidelines for the Welfare of Animals in Experimental Neoplasia. 2nd ed. British Journal of Cancer 77:1-10.United Kingdom Co-ordinating Committee on Cancer Research (UKCCCR). Guidelines for the Welfare of Animals...
Cancer Reform Strategy. 2007. https://www.nhs.uk/NHSEngland/NSF/Documents/Cancer%20Reform%20Strategy.pdf. Department of Health. The NHS Long Term Plan. 2019. https://www.longtermplan.nhs.uk/publication/nhs-long-term-plan/. Department of Health, Cancer Research UK. The National Awareness ...
Cancer Research UK. When could overweight and obesity overtake smoking as the biggest cause of cancer in the UK? (CRUK, 2018). Brenner, D. R. et al. Estimates of the current and future burden of cancer attributable to excess body weight and abdominal adiposity in Canada. Prev. Med. 122...
Researchers have subsequently found that ZBP1 is reactivated in several types of cancer, including breast, colorectal and non-small-cell lung cancers; but the gene is silenced in metastasizing cancer cells, as was shown by Dr. Singer's research team. They try to find out how the ZBP1 gene ...
Research into the targeted therapeutic vulnerability of non-coding changes should be prioritised. These changes would include gene expression changes as a result of promoter, enhancer or 3′UTR mutations and the impact on expression due to pseudogenes. Long-read sequencing will be of value in this...
Thanks to funding from the Beene Foundation, my laboratory has been able to pursue a novel and very fruitful research path. We have pioneered the use of in vivo somatic genome editing to accurately model chromosomal rearrangements in vivo, and we have used this novel strategy to: a) develop ...
there are also limited research into the oxidation states of nanoceria when the nanoparticles enter cells and reside in tissues. Szymanski first demonstrated in 2016 that a shift to a higher Ce3+/Ce4+was detected when nanoceria entered the cells, indicating that there was a net reduction of nan...
Funders (observers to Trial Steering Committee): K Law (Cancer Research UK), S Perkins (Medical Research Council), U Wells (Department of Health). Conflict of interest statement J Brown is an employee of Eli Lilly & Company, who are not a sponsor. We declare that we have no conflict of...
and C.B. are supported by core funding from the MRC–UCL University Unit (reference MC_EX_G0800785) and R.A.M.d.B.’s Cancer Research UK Programme Foundation Award. H.K.M received funding from a CRUK–EPSRC Multidisciplinary Project Award (C1529/A23335). The authors thank J. Pines ...
Therapies which could target these cells may develop into an effective strategy for tumor eradication and a hope for patients for whom this disease remains uncurable. Keywords: cancer stem cells; non-coding RNAs; EMT; phenotypic and metabolic plasticity; anti-cancer therapies 1. Introduction ...