4. 发表周期 根据以往发表文章及网友经验,小编认为本杂志大部分文章发表速度适中! 5. 开放获取及发表费用 本杂志可选订阅模式和开放获取(Open access,OA)模式,OA模式需作者支付文章处理费用,本杂志近三年OA文章占比20.09%。 文章处理费用 (APCs): $4740 USD / £3400 GBP...
What is the eISSN and pISSN number of Journal of Cancer Education? What is the focus of this journal? Why is it important to find the right journal for my research? Can the choice of journal affect my academic career? Is it advisable to target high-impact journals only?
Prof. Christophe Nicot and the editorial team performed in the top percentile of journals based on data collected from the Journal Author Satisfaction Survey. We are recognising extraordinary editors for their commitment and passion to their journals. Read more about editorial excellence here. What is...
ELECTRONIC journalsBIBLIOGRAPHICAL citationsThe article provides an editor's note on the recent journal impact factor of Cancer Research and Treatment (CRT). The journal's impact factor dropped from 4.6 to 4.1, but its rank by impact factor remained in the second quartile. However,...
Explore journals Get published About BMC Login Menu BMC Cancer Search Submit manuscript Latest collections open to submissions Edit in CMS NEW! Cancer-associated cachexia Guest edited by Michelle L. Law and Olga Prokopchuk Edit in CMS Edit in CMS ...
This journal is participating in a pilot of NISO/STM's Working Group on Peer Review Taxonomy, to identify and standardize definitions and terminology in peer review practices in order to make the peer review process for articles and journals more transparent. Further information on the pilot is ...
CancerBiochips FutureBiochips FutureBreast Cancer High Impact Factor JournalsBreast Cancer High Impact Factor JournalsCancer And Immunology Scholarly JournalCancer And Immunology Scholarly JournalCancer Epigenetics Scholarly JournalCancer Epigenetics Scholarly JournalCancer InnovationsCancer InnovationsCancer Susceptibility...
Our journal websites will be undergoing scheduled maintenance this weekend. During this period, access to our journals may be disrupted. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience. >
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