Current Cancer Reports (CCR)(eISSN: 2661-3166) is an open access, continuously published, international, refereed journal dedicated to publish articles covering all areas of carcinogenesis, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, drug development and related policy. The journal aims at promoting research comm...
documents published in that journal. The chart shows the evolution of the average number of times documents published in a journal in the past two, three and four years have been cited in the current year. The two years line is equivalent to journal impact factor ™ (Thomson Reuters) ...
Overview The Journal of Cancer Survivorship: Research and Practice publishes original research on cancer survivors, systematic, and meta-analytic literature reviews, clinical investigations and policy-related research that can impact the quality of care and quality of life of cancer survivors. The journa...
Journal of Cancer Research PubMed indexed journals, Impact Factor journals, Web of Science indexed journals, Medline indexed journals
readership of Cancer Letters include the molecular genetics and cell biology of cancer, radiation biology, molecular pathology, hormones and cancer, viral oncology, metastasis, and chemoprevention. The journal places emphasis on experimental therapeutics, particularly targeted therapies for personalized cancer...
Current Problems in Cancer: Case Reportsis an international, peer-reviewed open access Journal publishing oncology case reports. It aims to share awareness of groundbreaking cases that give insight into redefining concepts in cancer. Our topics are comprehensive, encompassing new understandings … ...
Order journal About the journal Cancer determinants, prevention, prognosis and outcomes Cancer Epidemiologypublishes original research, prioritizing studies that contribute new information about cancer causes, prevention and control. As such, the journal's scope covers all aspects of cancer epidemiology inclu...
up-to-date news and information from the rapidly changing fields of cancer research and treatment. For the past several years, the JNCI has been ranked as one of the most-cited original-research cancer journals by the Institute of Scientific Information in its annual Journal Citation Reports. ...
Current Oncology, 29(11), 8244-8260. Article Metrics Article Access Statistics For more information on the journal statistics, click here. Multiple requests from the same IP address are counted as one view. ...
Review ReportsVersions Notes Simple Summary Cancer treatments have significantly changed with the introduction of immunotherapy. Recently, the development of new agents that harness the redirection of T-cells against cancer is rapidly emerging in multiple tumor types. Since bispecific T-cell engager (BiTE...