肿瘤免疫循环(cancer-immunity cycle)的概念由Ira Mellman和Daniel S. Chen于 2013 年提出,阐述了一...
激发免疫细胞活化,分化和效应过程称之为免疫应答(Immune Response)。图中显示为免疫应答示意图。免疫系统有两种免疫应答类型:一种是遇到病原体后,首先并迅速起防卫作用的称为固有免疫应答...细胞进行克隆扩增,产生的大量后代细胞,合成大量相同的特异性抗体。免疫系统中大量抗体分子的多样性是其能够识别抗原,并有效保护...
肿瘤微环境Tumor Micro Envirment, TME包括免疫细胞、成纤维细胞、微血管(血管内皮细胞)、胞外基质, 以及各种细胞因子和趋化因子构成,是一个复杂的综合系统,可以分成以免疫细胞为主的免疫微环境和成纤维细胞为主的非免疫微环境。 肿瘤免疫微环境 (Tumor immune microenvironment,TIME) 大量免疫细胞例如T细胞、B细胞、NK...
What is the cancer-immunity cycle? The cancer-immunity cycle is a 7-step framework used to describe how the immune system recognizes and kills cancer cells (2) (Figure 1). In the first step, the transformation of normal cells to canc...
但是Tex细胞跨组织迁移的能力极低,进一步的TCR信息和velocity分析揭示外周血中的Temra, Tem和原发灶、转移灶中的Tex细胞之间存在紧密关系,可能由共同的前体细胞经过相同的肿瘤相关抗原刺激形成。这一发现进一步丰富和深化了目前对肿瘤免疫循环(cance...
cancer immune cycleimmune responseimmunotherapyintelligent strategiesThe immune system is composed of immune organs, immune cells, and immunoactive substances, which plays a vital role in antitumor immunity in cancer immunotherapy. During the process of the antitumor immune response, many factors are ...
Thegeneticandcellularalterationsthatdefinecancerprovidetheimmunesystemwiththemeanstogenerate Tcellresponsesthatrecognizeanderadicatecancercells.However,eliminationofcancerbyTcellsisonly onestepintheCancer-ImmunityCycle,whichmanagesthedelicatebalancebetweentherecognitionof ...
Basically, cancer–immune cycle describes the process how tumor antigens that are released from damaged cancer cells are captured by APC cells and primed to CD8+ T cells, and how CD8+ T cells infiltrate into cancer tissues and kill cancer cells. For cancer immunotherapy, every step of the ...
[1]Chen DS, Mellman I. Oncology meets immunology: the cancer-immunity cycle[J]. Immunity. 2013 Jul 25;39(1):1-10. [2]Linsley PS, Brady W, Urnes M, et al. CTLA-4 is a second receptor for the B cell activation antigen B7[J]. J Exp Med. 1991 Sep 1;174(3):561-9. ...