Can exploding head syndrome happen while awake? Can a weakened temporal lobe cause a stroke? Can head trauma cause temporal lobe epilepsy? Can a stroke cause memory loss? Can an aneurysm bring on temporal lobe epilepsy symptoms? Can temporal lobe epilepsy cause brain damage?
thatyouworetillitwasthreadbare,youwouldalsosaytoapieceofclothingyouneverworeonce “thankyouforteachingmethatthiscolordoesn?tlookgoodonme”.Youwillappreciatetheroles ofallthethingsthathavecometoyouandexperienceappreciationforallofthem.Throughthis experience,youwillrediscoverthetruththatyouhavebeensupportedbysomanyt...
that is different than napping because you cannot stay awake. The inability to stay awake during daytime hours is a sign of health issues that may include a sleep quantity or quality issue or a lack of sufficient oxygen getting to your heart and brain. Either you have insufficient sleep hours...
When some people sleep, they make a lot of noises that can keep other people awake. Some people snore so loudly that you can even hear them in another room.Snoring happens when air doesn't move as freely as it should through your nose and mouth while you're sleeping. This makes parts...
When you have sleep apnea, your breathing may briefly stop while you are asleep. Throughout a single night of sleep, you might experience several repeated breathing interruptions. As many as 30 episodes can air per hour. You may find it challenging to fall asleep and/or stay asleep all thro...
At least 50% of people report racing thoughts and stress or anxiety as top reasons why they have trouble sleeping. When you’re lying awake because you don’t know what to do when you can’t sleep, the best thing may simply be waiting it out, according to 20% of respondents in our ...
WASHINGTON (AP) - Loud snoring may do more than irritate your spouse: It can signal sleep apnea, depriving you of enough zzzz's to trigger a car crash, even a heart attack.Now scientists are beginning to test if an implanted pacemaker-like device might help certain sufferers, keeping their...
If you struggle with a.m. brain fog or have seasonal affective disorder or depression, try a light box (or sunlamp). It can lift your mood and help you feel more awake. 4/11 Enjoy a Morning Splurge To curb your urge to stay under the covers, plan something to look forward to ...
Don’t just take our word for it. Peloton users who have tried night meditation through thePower of Sleep programreport falling asleep faster and feeling more awake and alert during the day. “Between learning various approaches to mindfulness and gaining the tools I need to calm my mind and...
Hypersomnia:Staying awake during the day may be hard. One example of hypersomnia is narcolepsy. Insomnia:This is the most common sleep disorder. Insomnia happens when you regularly have trouble sleeping and staying asleep. Obstructive sleep apnea(OSA):This happens when you stop breathing for 10 ...