Shutdown doesn't always do what you'd expect in the Windows 10 era so doing a dry boot might help. A restart should terminate any process as well. I had this issue happen with Warframe the other day and I tried everything I could to resolve it without shutting down but I eventua...
Or delete my account so I can choose again. Because I didn't know that the one I was picking would be a chick. I'm not so sure about playing with a female character.. Thanks! 依投票数排序 依日期排序 Notso Master 3.9k 发表于 2013年4月2日 You can either spend the time to ...
you used to be able to relevel weapons for mastery but de put a stop to that n patched it .. once a weapon reaches max rank you will never gain mastery from it again even if u delete it and re buy it 创建帐户或登录来提出意见 你需要成为会员才能提出意见 创建帐户 注册成为会员。只要...