warframe吧 关注:541,496贴子:17,605,771 看贴 图片 吧主推荐 视频 玩乐 1 2 下一页 尾页 60回复贴,共2页 ,跳到 页确定 <返回warframe吧How to快速记住任务名字!间生防 只看楼主收藏回复 L水 TENNO 16 很容易是吧,Get 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2021-12-08 11:21回复 ...
打开Evolution_sound_convertor.exe,按提示填入文件夹路径,切记最上面的框框一定要选Warframe!(Digital Extremes用祖传Evolution引擎也做过其他游戏,据作者所述这个工具可以转化使用同款引擎制作的一些DE上古作品的音频文件)(H files指解压出来的H.Misc_en.cache_extracted文件夹,B、F如此类推,Output是转换出来的文件的...
How to Get Mesa (2025) Guide Last Updated on: January 18, 2025The ruthless gunslinger Warframe, Mesa is always on the hunt for her foes, firing rapid shots with her deadly pistols. With an affinity for pistols, Mesa is capable of dealing a lot of damage when equipped with them and ...
For more information on how to finish these quests and unlock Junctions, see our Warframe Main Story Quest guide. You will need to defeat The Sergeant multiple times to earn all of the necessary Blueprints for Mag. The Sergeant is guaranteed to drop a Mag component blueprint every time you...
Finish Missions on Pluto until you reach the Hades node found on the upper right side of the planet. (The optimal path is: Hydra > Narcissus > Cypress > Cerberus > Palus > Hades) For more information on how to finish these quests and unlock Junctions, see ourWarframe Main Story Quest ...
Warframe‘s Arcane Dissolution system can let you get rid of old Arcanes, but you’ll need a new resource called Vosfor to turn your lead into gold. Recommended Videos Vosfor has one drop source, and it’s tied to the Whisper in the Walls expansion and to the Sanctum Anatomica location...
Gauss Prime may not be arriving in Warframe anytime soon but sooner or later in the future, a variant may come into action. Tips Disruptions are easy if you can destroy the Demo units easily, be sure to watch over the conduits or hunt them down for faster progress. The more enemies yo...
What happens if you forma a Warframe? Forma is anitem that can change the polarity of a gear slot. Once you change the polarity, your gear resets back to level 1. That allows you to match the polarity on gear slots and mods that you like. ...
Warframe has today launched its new Abyss of Dagath update, bringing a ton of exciting new features to check out. Hydroid is taking yet another stab at being relevant with another rework, companions no longer permanently die during missions, and most importantly, Dagath has been brought into ...