I have written a T-SQL script to count non-blank values in each column across all tables in a database. The script currently uses a cursor to iterate through each column and dynamically generate and execute SQL to count the values, excluding blanks and, in the case of ...
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.get_count( TEXT, TEXT ) RETURNS TABLE(t_column_name TEXT, t_count BIGINT ) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $BODY$ DECLARE p_schema TEXT := $1; p_tabname TEXT := $2; v_sql_statement TEXT; BEGIN SELECT STRING_AGG( 'SELECT ''' || column_...
DataGridView seems like the right control but I have been unable to determine if that works. I can set the Column ValueType to GetType(RichTextBox) and get no run time error. And then I can ... prettyprint 复制 Dim dgvr As New DataGridViewRow dgvr.CreateCells(dgvOut) Dim anrtb...
C# - How can I Execute a complex SQL file and getting the results? C# - How do I create a dynamic SQL string using Parameters? C# - How to BULK Print PDF files in SilentMode. C# - How to check particular column and it's values C# - How to convert Excel sheet to data table dyna...
- Bug #1577: Fixed the bug in CMssqlSchema::compareTableNames() (Qiang) - Bug #1592: Fixed the bug that the hidden field generated by CHtml::checkBox may have the same ID as the checkbox. (Qiang) - Bug #1615: Fixed the bug that caused CLogFilter::filter() to add context info...
Create view with column name aliases or hard change column names on a big database with a very low amount of changes? 0 How does SQL Server Startup? 12 Is there any (hidden) built-in function on MS-SQL to unquote object names? 3 Test if a string is a valid, unquoted identifier?
To set up Ruby on Rails on Mac or Linux, go tohttps://gorails.com/setup/osx/10.13-high-sierraMake sure you install the Postresql database, not sqlite. No need to create the myapp example since you'll be using the ThinQ.tv code. ...
sql> By default, the values of the first row are used as the column names for the federated table. However, if the first row does not contain the column names, you can add 'false' to the parameters to have the column names automatically generated; in the form COLUMN1, COLUMN2, COLUM...
How can I remove the extra spaces in Microsoft SQL Server 2022 desktop in the results grid? There is a massive space between columns in the results tab, I had to reduce the zoom to 50% to get two columns in the screen at once. Please help me in eliminating thi...
How can I remove the extra spaces in Microsoft SQL Server 2022 desktop in the results grid? There is a massive space between columns in the results tab, I had to reduce the zoom to 50% to get two columns in the screen at once. Please help me in eliminating thi...