select table_name, column_name, replace( column_name, ' ', '' ) as name_with_no_spaces from information_schema.columns where locate( ' ', column_name ) > 0; If you mean actually removing spaces from table names, you'll need to Prepare dynamic Alter Table Rename... commands from the...
starts with this option ENABLED by default! Disable with '-G'. Long format commands still work from the first line. WARNING: option deprecated; use --disable-named-commands instead.*/ -i, --ignore-spaces //忽视函数名后面的空格. --local-infile //启动/禁用 LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE. -b, ...
ignore-spaces FALSE init-command (No default value) local-infile FALSE no-beep FALSE host (No default value) html FALSE xml FALSE line-numbers TRUE unbuffered FALSE column-names TRUE sigint-ignore FALSE port 3306 prompt mysql> quick FALSE raw FALSE reconnect TRUE socket /data/3306/mysql.sock...
2 登录进行投票 Columns with spaces in their name should be enclosed in square brackets. Quotes are used for string literals. INSERT INTO MyTable ([Column 1], [Column 2] VALUES ('Value1', 10) Michael Taylor
The length of a CHAR column is fixed to the length that you declare when you create the table. The length can be any value from 0 to 255. When CHAR values are stored, they are right-padded with spaces to the specified length. When CHAR values are retrieved, trailing spaces are removed...
-N, --skip-column-names //不显示列信息 -O, --set-variable=name //设置变量用法是--set-variable=var_name=var_value --sigint-ignore //忽视SIGINT符号(登录退出时Control-C的结果) -o, --one-database //忽视除了为命令行中命名的默认数据库的语句。可以帮跳过日志中的其它数据库的更新。
Disable with --disable-named-commands. This option is disabled by default. -i, --ignore-spaces Ignore space after function names. --init-command=name SQL Command to execute when connecting to MySQL server. Will automatically be re-executed when reconnecting. ...
The third form .query(options, callback) comes when using various advanced options on the query, like escaping query values, joins with overlapping column names, timeouts, and type casting. connection.query({ sql: 'SELECT * FROM `books` WHERE `author` = ?', timeout: 40000, // 40s value...
not the same string.This can be seen using the binary collationsforutf8mb4.The pad attributeforutf8mb4_bin isPADSPACE,whereasforutf8mb4_0900_bin it isNOPAD.Consequently,operations involving utf8mb4_0900_bindonot add trailing spaces,and comparisons involving stringswithtrailing spaces may differ...