flink can not read value at 1 in block 0 in file 这个错误信息“flink can not read value at 1 in block 0 in file”表明在处理Apache Flink任务时遇到了问题,导致无法读取文件中的特定值。这通常与数据读取、文件损坏或配置错误有关。©2022 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算服务 | 使用百度前必读 |...
Error: java.io.IOException: parquet.io.ParquetDecodingException: Can not read value at0inblock -1infilehdfs://master01.hadoop.dtmobile.cn:8020/user/hive/warehouse/capacity.db/cell_random_grid_tmp2/part-00000-82a689a5-7c2a-48a0-ab17-8bf04c963ea6-c000.snappy.parquet (state=,code=0)0: jdb...
version: 0.252 SQL: select * from schema_as__job_status_rt order by updated_at desc; Error: Query 20210513_110531_00005_bbfiq failed: Can not read value at 0 in block -1 in file hdfs://ns1/hudi/schema_as.job_status.mor/605759be-0f9e-4445...
Dataphin集成任务同步成功,在即席查询中查询目标表报错:"java.io.IOException: parquet.io.ParquetDecodingException: Can not read value at 0 in block -1 in file"。 问题原因 在集成任务配置界面中,hive输出表字段没有全部映射,因为hive字段写入是按照位置写入,读出来的如果少列,就会导致与schema不对应。 解决方...
Can not parse input: Can not read value at 1 in block 0 in file hdfs://<path_to_file(s)/<file_name>.parquet.snappy Cause The above error is typically presented when Datameer is unable to read the target file correctly. For additional details, please review Data...
Hudi 0.5.3, doing delete operation on partitioned COW table: 2020-07-06 08:52:54,847 [main] INFO org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.FileSourceStrategy - Output Data Schema: struct<city: string, id: bigint, latitude: double, date_...
全志D1开发板 XR829蓝牙 Can‘t get device info: No such device 自我分析及解决方案,想用D1开发板设计一个小电脑,搭配蓝牙鼠标键盘远程控制其他设备。因此需要用到XR829的蓝牙部分,现在的问题是:hciconfighci0upCan'tgetdeviceinfo:Nosuchdevice镜像使用https://githu
Solved: Hi all, I have a lx2160ardb_rev2 board, and I plugged a PCIe card to the board. When I booted the board, I found that the board doesn't
[ 1.833845] ACPI: Enabled 1 GPEs in block 00 to 0F [ 1.833861] SCSI subsystem initialized [ 1.833861] hv_vmbus: Vmbus version:5.0 [ 1.833861] PCI: Using ACPI for IRQ routing [ 1.833861] PCI: System does not support PCI [ 1.833861] clocksource: Switched to clocksource hyperv_clocksource_...
err) -- f and err stay in scope for the rest of the if-elseif-else block -- do something with f2 f2:close() else print("could not open somefile:", err) print("could not open anotherfile:", err2) end -- f, err, f2 and err2 are now out of scope if (value = list[index...