Under U.S. Labor Law, a workplace needs to havetwo or more employees. If a majority wants it, and the majority votes it in during an NLRB supervised election, the majority wins. For-profit or non-profit status of the organization does not matter. What are the disadvantages of a union?
several union organizers showed up at the non-profit LAXART, where she serves as a board member, to discuss their situation with director Hamza Walker and ask him to urge Marciano to reopen MAF or have her removed from the board. Johnson told me that...
Denise M. Keyser
capital is clearly ascendant. Wages in most developed nations have stagnated over the last 40 years, though productivity has risen steeply. At the same time, profit margins in concentrated industries are rising. Anti-competitive flywheels are everywhere, locking in users and suppliers, making markets...
How many employees are needed to form a union? Under U.S. Labor Law, a workplace needs to havetwo or more employees. If a majority wants it, and the majority votes it in during an NLRB supervised election, the majority wins. For-profit or non-profit status of the organization does no...
The Punt Return - Northwestern Appeals NLRB Decision Football Players Are Employees Who Can UnionizeParent, Jennifer
College Football Players Are Employees: NLRB Regional Director Rules They Can UnionizeStevens, Michael