Occam’s Razor: The simplest explanation is PROBABLY the correct one. Law of energy: Energy can’t be created or destroyed, only transformed. Reality: If it sounds TOO good to be true, it probably is.Let’s apply this to our waistlines:If we are overweight…...
government-backed USDP,can addfurther momentum to the reforms but may also alarm many [...] crisisgroup.org crisisgroup.org 民盟在选举中的压倒性胜利是 以政府支持的固发党的失败为代价的,民盟的胜利可以增加改革动力,但也可能为统治集团中的许多 ...
That phrase “uncredited” would be a constant in the first decade of his early career, yet Paiva never slowed down and in fact persevered whether he played an uncredited role, a bit part or a generic character like a guard (multiple films), conductor (“Union Pacific”), bartender (“...
You build sustainable momentum You create clarity in your mind and others' expectations But there's an even bigger energy saving: emotional bandwidth. When you know you're giving your consistent best, you don't waste energy on: Second-guessing your effort Wondering if you should have done more...
By building this momentum of good deeds and thoughtfulness, more and more people will be attracted to you. You’ll soon realize that as this number grows, your ability to make a change on a greater scale will easily be accomplished.
Brutal was the weather but our friends’ desire to help was just as strong! The three of them worked for hours on that extremely hot 90 degree Sunday to get two parts of the fence put up! Their help was amazing and gave us the momentum we needed to get the job done!
While we were in the field, we checked on our milkweed patch but didn’t find any new Monarch eggs or caterpillars. We talked about how this Monarch habitat would soon be destroyed by construction vehicles, and Mattie came up with the idea to collect some of the milkweed pods to spread...
Shortly after the First Great Migration picked up momentum and in the midst of World War I, the 1918 influenza pandemic erupted. It is believed to have been caused by a H1N1 subtype of an influenza A virus with avian and swine genetic origins and to have originated from Fort Riley, KS; ...
these book covers, or perhaps has published books with these covers themselves. I appreciate there’s a lot that goes into covers that limit what can be created (money, access to resource or skilled creators etc.), and I would never want to foster more gate-keeping or elitism within ...
“We are gaining more and more momentum as we get closer to the election,” he said, explaining that some people had originally held out hope that Harris would change her position on Israel but that when she didn’t, more joined their movement. There have been ...