Despite the momentum of recent years, the fact remains that the energy transition is only in its infancy. Roughly halfway through what has been called climate’s decisive decade, and in the face of rising global uncertainties, it is time for a pragmatic reality check to understand where are ...
The rapid evolution of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, with ever more profound implications for humans and societies, has triggere
This article looks at Husserlian ideas as an analytical tool to explain the cognitive aspects of experiences that range between knowledge acts in inferences and Mulligan’s contemporary perspective of meaning formation, through reflections of relations.
Illustration of the notion of quantum reference frames. Two quantum reference frames A and C and quantum system B. The reference frames A and C are pictorially represented as two laboratories equipped with their own instruments. In a realistic situation, however, the system A could be an atom,...
One of them was the understanding of the splitting of spectral lines in magnetic fields. The Bohr–Sommerfeld quantum mechanics coupled the external magnetic field to the electron circling planetary like around the nucleus, thereby creating a magnetic moment ...
Schemata are the building blocks of memories and of pattern recognition. An individual schema is somewhat like one of Plato’s forms: an idealized representation of an object’s essence. It may not match any specific object that we have seen. Instead, it is a composite constructed from our ...
"When you've picked a stock, you feel like you own it, and thus need to receive a greater amount of money to be willing to part with it," Burkhardt explains. This behavioral bias can cause an investor to myopically focus on the stock price instead of assessing its fundamentals ...
The reactions of the UAS on changes in the wind field, correlate and are proportional to the momentum and the aerodynamic drag of the UAS. Also, the individual flight mechanical behaviour of the UAS and its ability to be susceptible to interaction with turbulence are important. Therefore, the ...
and censorship that had been part of Rabbinic Judaism from its first phases and which gained a great deal of momentum from the high middle ages and throughout the modern era; and second, the development of models of ascetic Judaism, from their individual medieval origins to their consolidation,...
The thruster engine shuts down, and the momentum carries Spock ahead further. He disconnects the thruster pack from his suit and it falls away from him. Continuing his log entry, Spock sees an image of what he believes to be V'ger's homeworld. He passes through a tunnel filled with ...