代码参考: 1classSolution {2public:3vector<bool> canMakePaliQueries(strings, vector<vector<int>>&queries) {4vector<bool>res;5intprefix=0;6vector<int> ps(1);7//保存前缀字符串0~j=prefix8//presum(0)=0, sum(i~j)=presum(j)-presum(i)9for(charc:s){10ps.push_back(prefix ^=1<<(c...
https://leetcode.com/problems/can-make-palindrome-from-substring/discuss/372044/Short-and-fast-C%2B%2B-prefix-xor-solution-beats-100 https://leetcode.com/problems/can-make-palindrome-from-substring/discuss/371849/JavaPython-3-3-codes-each%3A-prefix-sum-boolean-and-xor-of-characters'-frequencies...
Given a strings, we make queries on substrings ofs. For each queryqueries[i] = [left, right, k], we may rearrange the substrings[left], ..., s[right], and then choose up tokof them to replace with any lowercase English letter. If the substring is possible to be a palindrome stri...
0273 🎯 Substring From a String ★☆☆ Start Challenge 0274 🎯 Print the First 5 Elements ★☆☆ Start Challenge 0275 🎯 Longest and Shortest Words Analysis ★★★ Start Challenge 0276 🎯 Generate and Print a List ★☆☆ Start Challenge 0277 🎯 Function in Python ★☆☆ Start Challe...
oh wait. But there is a problem. Well I would like to like seperate words instead not counting them. Cause what I'm trying to do here is like if you put in "Need help in palindrome is an example ofeye,boob". In that case. The only bold letters should be counted as palindromes. ...
classSolution{public:vector<bool>canMakePaliQueries(string s, vector<vector<int>>& queries){intmask =0; vector<int> cnts{0};for(charc : s) { mask ^= (1<< (c -'a')); cnts.push_back(mask); }intleft, right, k; vector<bool> ret;for(auto& query : queries) { ...
1 #define _for(i,a,b) for(int i = (a);i b;i --) 3 4 class Solution 5 { 6 public: 7 vector canMakePaliQueries(string s, vector>& queries) 8 { 9
If the substring is possible to be a palindrome string after the operations above, the result of the query istrue. Otherwise, the result isfalse. Return an arrayanswer[], whereanswer[i]is the result of thei-th queryqueries[i].
If the substring is possible to be a palindrome string after the operations above, the result of the query istrue. Otherwise, the result isfalse. Return an arrayanswer[], whereanswer[i]is the result of thei-th queryqueries[i].
If the substring is possible to be a palindrome string after the operations above, the result of the query istrue. Otherwise, the result isfalse. Return an arrayanswer[], whereanswer[i]is the result of thei-th queryqueries[i].