stm32f103的CAN的时钟主频是36M,分9频就是4M,在除以(5 + 2 + 1)得到500K的波特率。 注意:stm32cubemx生成的CAN代码是不带过滤器的,需要自己手动添加。 CAN之数据帧格式 代码部分 CAN初始化 CAN_HandleTypeDef hcan1; CAN_FilterTypeDef sFilterConfig;//CAN初始化:/* CAN init function */ void MX_CAN_I...
I’m working on a project with an STM32 microcontroller and an ESP8266 wifi modem (running AT firmware). My goal is to connect to the AWS IoT MQTT broker using a secure TLS connection. I have a few specific questions: Is it possible to establish a secure MQTT connection to AWS IoT us...
I have one question in my mind like is there any support provided into ESP32 IDF to configure and use it for ESP8266 based moduke or development board? Let me know if support is already there? If not then is there any planning for same into future?Regards...
As ESP8685 based modules are mentioned in ESP32-C series on, so I am curious to know whether can I use ESP8685WROOM06 with ESP Rainmaker framework. If yes then what are the steps to use it? Also can I use ESP8285 or ESP8266 Mo...
At the moment, if you want to use ESP-IDF on an ESP8266 then the best option is to use the latest ESP8266 RTOS SDK release. If ESP-IDF support is released in the future, there will be a migration path to port code over.
3,从CAN接收的数据发送给TCP客户端 程序说明(FastDevEsp32slave) 1,指示灯,连接上TCP服务器时点亮 2,TCP客户端接收到TCP服务器的数据就把数据通过CAN发送出去 4,通过CAN接收的数据发送给TCP服务器 其它 如果想多对,只需要修改主机名,还有设置从机连接的名字为主机名字就可以...
RS-232、RS-422与RS-485标准只对接口的电气特性做出规定,而不涉及接插件、电缆或协议,在此基础上用户可以建立自己的高层通信协议。例如:视频服务器都带有多个RS422串行通讯接口,每个接口均可通过RS422通讯线由外部计算机控制实现记录与播放。 2021-10-06 08:31:00 RS232、RS485、RS422、串口与握手基础知识详细...
Re: 计划做一款基于ESP32 S3的调试工具,具备工业485、CAN调试功能 @Gentlepig 目前RGB565就够用,T133的确挺好,还能省个触摸芯片,目前想联网还需要外加WIFI,成本大约得100左右。联网功能计划使用阿里云物联网平台,可实现远程调试,只用申请个key就可以,如果消息多就需要收费,目前看来远程调试消息并不多。 最近编辑记录...
全新STM32F103C8T6开发板STM32F1学习板核心板评估板含例程主芯片 开发板+OLED+ESP8266+485+CAN图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】