Video of the Day Take Out a 401(k) Loan If you leave your 401(k) with your former employer, you may be able to draw money by taking out a loan. Although not all plans offer this option, a loan can be a good alternative to a cash-out. The main advantage is that the Internal R...
“They’re trying to frighten people into thinking that the money they have in the bank is just a shadow that could be wiped out on a whim.” A self-directed IRA is an Individual Retirement Account (IRA), which allows alternative investments for retirement savings plans such as physical ...
My husband has an annuity that is just sitting there. Can he roll over his annuity into my 401k to pay back the loan? Thank you. Hersh Stern ( 2015-03-27 12:39:02 Hi Kerri- I think what you are asking is whether he can transfer money to your 401k tax-free...
During my working years, I invested regularly into my 401(k). I chose to use my 401(k) to take advantage of the considerable tax benefits available to an early retiree. This consistent saving, combined with a bull market over the last decade of my career, left me with a substantial ...
First-time annuity buyers often ask this question: "If I change my mind can I cancel my annuity and get my money back?"A variation would be: "If I needed money for an emergency could I close my annuity and get some or all of my premium back?"The...
I had only started maxing out my 401K when I got my first 6-figure job in 2001. My divorce had taken a financial toll on me. And we had spent a ton on travel, thinking Nick’s death was imminent. We had run up credit card debt. My 401K sat at $350,000, and I had $80,000...
Nick: that, that was, yeah. Um, but this just kind of took off. Uh, my old partner and Joe, um, knew each other. So Joe contacted him for us to give his talk. Funny enough, I’m flying out to Arizona to see Joe in a few hours ...
On the advice of my colleague Alaina Yee, I created an Excel spreadsheet, made up some fake Web sites, and a bunch of fake passwords to go along with them. I left it open for a few minutes, closing all the other windows. Recall didn’t take a snapshot of it, reporting that one ...
HSA benefit plan for employees as another option for employees in another way. So maybe giving them more ideas of what all you can actually do with 401k and showing them a bigger picture; and maybe they’ll see the need for it more so than just, “Oh, they’re taking 6% of my pay...
What kind of documentation can I provide to remove my account limitation? If we’ve limited your account, we may ask you for documentation that helps us confirm you or your business. We may request documentation related to your identity, address, recent name change, or business. You can fi...