An ileoscopy is a scope – a long thing tube with a light and camera on the end – of the ilium (small intestine) via the stoma. It’s different from a colonoscopy where the scope is inserted via the rectum. I’d never had this type of scope before last week but now I have expe...
It seems, understandably, that before a colonoscopy the medics like you to clear your tubes. So, for seven days I had to follow a“low residue/low fibre diet”. That is to say I had to cut out all foods containing fibres which are hard to digest. This helps reduce the amount of un...
Screening tests catch cancer early -- sometimes even before it starts. Acolonoscopyoften finds polyps in the colon and rectum before they turn into cancer. The Pap test locates pre-cancerous and cancerous cells in a woman's cervix. Mammograms and low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) look for...