but not always. The tunics are not required for good bulb growth. Tulips (Tulipaspp.), daffodils (Narcissusspp.), lilies (Liliumspp.), hyacinths (Hyacinthusspp.), onions and garlic (Alliumspp.) are
A couple weeks ago, the weather was dreary and depressing around here. I mean, it’s late autumn in New England. The odds of dreary, depressing weather are usually pretty good. Anyway – on this dreary day, I was looking up information about forcing flower bulbs indoors. I have some min...
Hyacinths. Daffodils. Crocus. Scilla siberica. What happens if I plant tulip bulbs in the spring? Tulips Need Cold to Grow Tulip bulbs require cold weather to properly bloom. ... When planting tulips in the spring,the warm soil may not allow the bulbs to break out of their dormant state...
POT ART; Charlie Dimmock Shows How a Little Imagination Can Turn Even the Most Boring Container into a Masterpiece LIGHTING-UP TIME: Bulbs like Narcissus, Iris and Hyacinth in Pots Brighten a Window Sill. Insets, from Top: Create a Variety of Looks with Air Plants in a Saucer, ...
You can save your back, knees, eyes and sanity with a DIY homemade seed mat that’s perfect for the Square Foot Gardener in all of us. Rachel at GrowAGoodLife has a brilliant resource for us! http://growagoodlife.com/homemade-seed-mats/ Follow Rachel on Twitter: https://twitter....