winning Canigou’s 100th Challenge Certificate. Her black and tan litter brother, SH CH CANIGOU ROCK STAR (Rocky) also went on to make a little piece of Cocker history. At his first show, Coventry Cocker Spaniel Club Championship Show in November 2009,...
Character: Brother and sister duo whose parents were killed by animals when they were young Prompt: Brother and sister are separated, one thrown into the wilderness where she must survive attacks from wild animals and a seemingly friendly group of human mutants who will not let her leave…the ...
A year later, Hong‘s mother and younger brother both home because of poverty ( 贫困)and pressure ( 压力)from his ill father. The burden ( 负担)fell onto the 12-year-old’s shoulders: to treat his father’s illness, to the adopted ( 领养的)sister Chenchen, and to go on to study...
For us humans, it's as simple as grabbing a washcloth and giving it a rub behind your listeners, but lower primates that don't have washcloths have a little bit more of a difficult time. In this picture, a mom is checking to make sure her li...
The Casper Humane Society currently has 26 dogs available for adoption. We have gathered their photos and little biographies below. There are puppies, and grizzled veterans, and everything in between - all of them need a home. And that's where you could come in. ...
Besides, it’s a small state and I probably know them or their neighbor or brother or aunt or someone close. Recently I spoke with a wrong number lady from Lisbon whose ride for her dialysis appointment was running late. She called to tell her sister-in-law that she was all plowed out...
By 1920, two signature handmade dolls—Raggedy Ann and her brother, Raggedy Andy—were sold alongside the book. The result was a meteoric success on all fronts. Many myths surround the conception of Raggedy Ann, which is quite fitting given the character’s storybook origins. 1921: Lincoln ...
Dogs themselves, on the other hand, are not shy about their love for food. As every cute puppy owner knows, if there's food about you can guarantee your canine is in the vicinity, sniffing, drooling and putting on their best sad puppy eyes. You have to have a heart of ...
Bednobs and Broomsticks Beazy Bear The Big Bad Wolf The Black Cauldron Boat-Builders Bone Bandit Brother Bear Brother Bear 2 Canine Caddy Chef Donald Chip ‘n Dale Cinderella Cinderella 2: Dreams Come True Cinderella 3: Twists in Time
That's exactly the look a child would have after his parents told him he couldn't stick his finger in the socket. Good thing his parents aren't impressed by this near-tantrum. Want a Baby Brother? Leave Us Alone One of the main obstacles to trying to have a second baby is that ...