Watson came to the Shelter because he wasn’t getting along with another dog in his home. He’s a little wary of strangers and it takes a bit of time to gain his trust but once he becomes comfortable with someone, he’s a happy, outgoing boy who wants to please. He’s goin...
We all may be guilty of booping a dog on the nose, but how many of you can say you've done that with a dog who came with its very own boop button? Very few! Some believe this pup was born with a paw-shaped birthmark after he was trampled on by his siblings in the womb, ...
A casual internet search will tell you Boston Terriers live well into their teens, but sadly this just isn’t correct. According to scientific studies the reality is that the averageBoston Terrierlife expectancy is 10.92 years. For a small breed of dog, this isn’t a very long time. They ...
The first step to adopting a rescue dog is familiarizing yourself with the breed you’re interested in. Whether it’s a German Shepherd, Labrador Retriever, or French Bulldog, do your due diligence on the history of the breed and even its temperament. This research can be done by simply ...
, the evidence demonstrated that keeping extra weight at bay can potentially extend a dog's life span. "it has been shown that dogs ( labrador retrievers ) who are kept optimal to slightly lean lived approximately two years longer than their related siblings who were allowed to become ...
I did my best with yesterday… I took a walk with the dog, watched some Dr. Quinn with Lacy, ate gluten free brownies right out of the pan. I also bathed Alice which is no small feat because it entails being scratched and screamed at and yes -even threatened, “YOU NEED TO GO BACK...
We all may be guilty of booping a dog on the nose, but how many of you can say you've done that with a dog who came with its very own boop button? Very few! Some believe this pup was born with a paw-shaped birthmark after he was trampled on by his siblings in the womb, ...
However, we do wonder how this papa dog is planning on picking up after his puppy with no opposable thumbs. Maybe they leave that to the more advanced class. Prank Time! Puppies are just like little kids. They are always getting into trouble and p...
14 could be DNA-identified and linked with their PPs in Germany. Some loners were siblings. We assessed the behavior of each individual and PP through a structured Google search. PP behavior was determined for the loner’s rearing period. Similarity between loner and PP behavior was significant...