There is no bespoke code for the board apart from pin definitions, it's just a piece of universal hardware, but by using easy to use open source Arduino libraries it can be made to interface not only to various CAN buses, Network/Wifi and Bluetooth but to numerous sensors and other perip...
DC降压电源模块9-120V100V96V84V72V24V宽压输入转5V12V 大电流3A 深圳市福田区明志微电子商行2年 回头率:20.4% 广东 深圳市 ¥275.0成交0件 换电柜充电器1000W开关电源ACDC充电模块485CAN通信锂电池充电器 深圳市振源电气有限公司12年 回头率:0%
It is pin-compatible with the Arduino Pro Mini, giving it a small form factor ideal for embedding in projects. It supports the Arduino IDE, the Arduino core libraries, and can be installed using the boards manager. Libraries are provided to support the CAN and RS485 ports. On-board CAN ...
interface and the MCP2551 can be used as a transceiver to enable arduino/Seeeduino CAN-BUS deliverability. Add and import the OBD-II conversion cable together with the OBD-II library, You are ready to create a built-in diagnostic device or data logger. ...
Heck, you can even run Doom on the Arduino! Source: bruno_opaiva viaArduino Project Hub For arcade game lovers, it’s better to stick to the Raspberry Pi and other SBCs as they can emulate plenty of retro consoles. But that doesn’t mean an Arduino can’t run an old-school game or...
1, DC +: positive power supply ( voltage required by the relay , there 5V.9V.12V and 24V choice )2, DC-: negative power connection3, IN1-IN4: each way based on the settings , can be high or low to control the corresponding relayRelay outputs : a...
There is no bespoke code for the board apart from pin definitions, it's just a piece of universal hardware, but by using easy to use open source Arduino libraries it can be made to interface not only to various CAN buses, Network/Wifi and Bluetooth but to numerous sensors and other ...
On that base i added simple CAN-bus features to it. If anyone is interested at it, here is the code for it - i know not the best way to publish source-code in that form, anyhow here it is: SimpleCan.h: #pragma once #include "Arduino.h" #include <stm32g4xx_hal_fdcan.h> en...
Most displays that exist for the Arduino UNO are expensive in large display sizes, processor intensive; requiring the Arduino to draw the display or pin hogs; using up most IO on the Arduino. The Nextion display is a “Smart” display; it contains its own processor, Inputs and Outputs, me...
Code for Arduino Uno + CAN-BUS Shield V2 #include <SPI.h>#include "mcp2515_can.h"/*SAMD core*/#ifdef ARDUINO_SAMD_VARIANT_COMPLIANCE #define SERIAL SerialUSB#else #define SERIAL Serial#endifconst int SPI_CS_PIN = 9;mcp2515_can CAN(SPI_CS_PIN);unsigned char len = 0;unsigned char ...