Can period sex make you feel closer to your partner? There is mixed data on whether having period sex makes you closer to your partner. One study found that levels of the hormone oxytocin (a hormone that plays a role in sexual arousal and attraction) is significantly increased during your ...
When you do this, it might help you to remember something that happened and think about how it makes you feel. Then you can say “I feel sad when my friend won't play with me.” or “I feel angry with my classmates...” Do you know why you should talk abou...
pepper spray, water cannons and rubber bullets of a dictatorship terrified of the people banding together is still inspiring, years later. The legacy of theçapullar,the woman in red,
Most women with only one ovary have about the same chance of getting pregnant as a woman with two. The ovary must still...
Being in the middle of a game when you need to pull the goalie is not an ideal match. Skip searching your duffel for a relief player with the Diva Cup since cups can be kept in play for 8-12 hours. When a cup is placed correctly, it does not leak and cannot be detected. Feel ...
Well, I do agree that these funny debate topics can get serious considering how passionate people are about their fandoms but indeed it will be a fun debate! Superman or Thor (or Dr. Strange), Scarlet witch or Wonder Woman (maybe Captain Marvel?) and Ironman or Batman?