There are so many ways to be intimate with your partner or yourself. If period sex doesn’t interest you, you could do other things that make you feel close to your partner, like cuddling or hand-holding. If physical touch isn’t your thing, research suggests that meditating with your pa...
You can have anIUD removed at any time, which makes it a top pick for people who know they may want to get pregnant in the future. Fertility can return immediately after IUD removal, so there is no waiting period for trying to conceive after removal. Do IUDs abort babies? Fact:IUDs do...
IUD is an effective form of birth control, but it's still possible to get pregnant with an IUD. Here's how that happens and the symptoms of pregnancy with IUD.
You won’t know if you got pregnant for at least two to three weeks after you had sex. You might feel tempted to take a pregnancy test the day after, but this would be too soon. It takes at least 10 days for anembryo to implant itselfinto the uterine wall and produceenough of the...
IUD An IUD is the most effective EC, and it's a good choice if you want ongoing birth control. (You can leave it in and use it as effective birth control for 7 to 12 years, depending on the brand.) Simply have it removed any time you want to become pregnant. Two types of IUDs...
IUD devices:If you have an IUD, be sure to check with your doctor, as recent reports have found that some IUDs may contain nickel and cause severe symptoms in those with a nickel allergy. For a safer birth control method, you may wish to consider tracking your basal temperature with the...
Canxida Restore has a good-looking ingredient label, but we’re not sure how many live cultures are included in each suppository, or if using a suppository probiotic isn’t as effective as taking an oral supplement.Achieve the hormonal balance you’re looking for — learn more about plant-...
We talked to a gynecologist about the chances that precum (or pre-ejaculation) can get you pregnant.
The hormones you inject aren’t the ones that “make you feel crazy.” The hormone that does get pretty high (depending on your response) is estrogen. Personally, all that excess estrogen made me a blissed out, happy go-lucky person. It was likely the least amount of anxiety I’ve eve...
So ladies please go for a check up if you feel your tummy is bigger. By anon99521 — On Jul 26, 2010 I was born in 1996 and two days after I was born, I had my left ovary removed because of a cyst. I'm not sure if the fallopian tube was removed but when i first started...